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The Protector (The Return Of The God of War) novel Chapter 2961

The Return of the God of War Chapter 2961

Are You Sure

Levi couldn’t believe that the crown prince would have the gall to ask for three times the resources demanded by the original condition.

It was a frightening attempt at daylight robbery.

There was no other way to put it.

He didn’t have that many resources compared to Hawen, the country that was ranked fifth in the entire world.

There were enough magical herbs in his storage to meet the crown prince’s demand, but he only had at most two or three hundred pieces of high-purity spiritual crystals.

Three tons of spiritual energy crystals were just way too much for the crown prince to ask for.

The crown prince’s attempt at extorting them was so unapologetically blatant that they could practically see greed drooling out of his mouth.

The condition that the crown prince had set was enough to push Hawen up to the third or even second spot on the list of the world’s most powerful countries.

Digital God and Dr. Erebus were so furious that they almost exploded with fury on the spot. This is outrageous! They are truly shameless! I’ve never seen a man as greedy as him before! Human greed is boundless, sure, but this is way out of line! This is madness!

Even Levi’s expression darkened.

He wasn’t lacking the resources, from a certain perspective.

He could get as many of the crystals as he wanted because it was easier than killing Deities.

However, there was a limit to everything.

There should be rules and trust present in an exchange of benefits.

What the crown prince was doing was stepping way over the line.

Levi’s look suddenly became more sinister.

When the Hawen crowd saw the trio’s expression, they smiled because they knew they had made the right call.

They didn’t know if the trio was going to agree, but seeing the trio’s hesitation and frustration was enough for them to know they had achieved their goal.

They wanted to give their current scheme a try after they heard Rodunst still managed to get one hundred crystals even after the blood alteration record was destroyed.


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