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The Protector (The Return Of The God of War) novel Chapter 61

The Return of God of War Chapter 61

Even Chloe, who was slightly aware of Levi’s capabilities, thought he was mad. You are rich and packed with connections. But Stephan’s father is the Chief of the district council! Are you out of your mind to ask him to apologize to you? Are you seeking death?

Chloe did not expect Levi to be so full of himself.

Stephan nearly exploded with rage when he heard Levi’s words.

He stretched out his hand to slap Levi’s face. But Levi grabbed Stephan’s hand in a split second and twisted his wrist. Then he kicked at Stephan’s knee.


Stephan wailed in pain and fell heavily in front of Levi on his knees.


Levi swiftly dragged Crystal and slapped her forcefully, causing her to fall onto the floor.

The couple knelt before Levi in just a few seconds.

“What are you doing, Levi? How dare you hurt Stephan? Did you get tired of living?”

“You’re out of your mind, Levi!”

Jed and Wayne yelled and rushed forward at the same time as Levi slapped Stephan across his face.



Both men screamed blue murder.

“Stop right there!” Levi commanded.

Everyone stayed still and looked at Levi in disbelief.

Chloe was already shivering fearfully.

Levi patted Stephan’s cheek. “You better contact your father immediately and ask him to apologize to me.”

Stephan hurriedly fished out his phone and made the call. “Father, come save me. Hurry up!”

Levi snatched the phone from Stephan and said with a smile before the other party could speak. “You’re Draco Simmons, right? You better come here and apologize to me swiftly. Oh, by the way, my name is Levi Garrison!”

He’s mad! He must be nuts! Levi has now become a lunatic in everyone’s mind. He’s blatantly provoking Stephan’s father.

Malicious intent glinted in Stephan’s eyes as he smiled wickedly at Levi after the latter hung up the phone call. “You’re doomed, Levi Garrison! I will let you suffer along with Zoey and her entire family. I will never let you off the hook!”

Levi did not say a word and instead grabbed a fork and stabbed Stephan’s thigh.

“Arrghh…” A horrible and hysterical scream rang inside the private room.

Stephan wanted to threaten Levi further. But he shut his mouth obediently upon meeting with Levi’s eyes.

Everyone shared a similar thought at that moment. Levi’s as good as a piece of dead meat now.

Chloe was shocked to her core. I did not expect Levi to destroy his own life like this. No one can save him now.

She leaned closer and whispered beside Levi’s ear. “You should escape now. Run as far as you can from this place.”

Levi smiled. “Why should I? I am still waiting for my apology.”

Chloe was rendered speechless.

About twenty minutes later, rows of cars were parked outside the Royal Hotel as a horde of people rushed into the building.

Stephan was invigorated when he heard the thundering footsteps in the hallway.

Jed, Wayne, and the others were excited as well.

A group of men clad in suits and ties dashed into the room. An extraordinary air and overwhelming presence enveloped the body of the middle-aged man leading the group.

The man in lead was none other than Draco Simmons!

They hastened their footsteps after seeing Stephan and Crystal kneeling before Levi.

“Save me, father! He beat me up!” Stephan begged for his father’s assistance.

But Draco took large strides and came to a halt in front of Levi and asked him with concern, all the while ignoring his son. “Are you alright?”

The Return of God of War Chapter 62

Draco’s subordinates did not have the courage to look at Stephan and Crystal. They focused all their attention on Levi.

“Are you alright? We were so worried when we received the news.” They said in a hurry.

Everyone else inside the room was flabbergasted.

Stephan was in utter disbelief. “I’m your son, father! I’m the one who’s injured.”

But Draco fixated his gaze on Levi despite Stephan’s effort to express his grievances.

“I’m fine. But my clothes are soiled.” Levi answered.

Everyone saw the visible wet stain on Levi’s clothes.

Draco was infuriated. He scanned the room and asked angrily. “Who did this? Who’s the one that poured water all over him?”

The other subordinates raised their voices as well. “Who’s the daredevil?”

Those in the know gazed at Crystal simultaneously.

Crystal lowered her head as her body trembled visibly.

Draco grabbed Stephan by his collar and slapped him mercilessly. “You’re a wastrel! Why do I have a son like you? You will be the cause for my downfall!”



Draco beat up his son furiously. He finally stopped when he was out of breath.

Stephan was confounded. What’s going on? Why is my father hitting me? I am the victim of this incident. Why does he concern about Levi Garrison instead?

The other classmates were also bewildered as they looked at Levi differently.

What’s happening? Chloe was relatively calm. Don’t tell me Levi’s status is even higher than the Simmons family? Is that the reason behind his brazen attitude?

At that moment, a man dressed in a suit entered the room holding a briefcase.

“Isn’t that the Head Secretary of North Hampton, Cedric Jones?”

“You’re right! That’s him! The Head Secretary of North Hampton City. He’s the secretary of the most influential figure in the city. His appearance carries the same weight as the great Mr. Jesse himself!”

Everyone recognized Cedric as soon as he entered the room.

But Cedric behaved similarly to the others before him. He walked up to Levi hastily and asked him with concern. “Are you alright, Mr. Garrison? I am worried sick about you! Mr. Jesse left over ten missed calls on my phone because he thought something terrible happened to you. He’s currently attending a meeting overseas, so he cannot come here in person. That’s why he asked me to come in his stead.”

Huh? Levi’s ex-classmates were astounded to their limits. Who is Levi Garrison? Why is Mr. Jesse so attentive towards him? Oh my God! This is driving me crazy. Can anyone tell me his identity already?

“I’m fine. Jesse got worried over nothing. I’ll treat him to a meal someday.” Levi said with a smile.

“Yes. Sure. I will convey your message to him. Mr. Jesse will be pleased to hear this!”

The Head Secretary of North Hampton is so excited because of Levi’s offer to treat Mr. Jesse to a meal?

Cedric turned to look at Draco sternly. “What’s happening here, Mr. Simmons? My boss wanted me to clarify the situation with you!”

“This is all my fault! I failed my duties as a father in educating my child. This is the gravest mistake of my life for my son to offend you, Mr. Garrison!” Draco Simmons bowed deeply in front of Levi and continued. “I am deeply sorry, Mr. Garrison. This is all my fault. Please punish me!”

Everyone gasped after witnessing that scene.

No one expected that the district council’s chief, Draco Simmons, to bow so lowly in front of Levi.

Stephan was dumbfounded.

Crystal fell into a daze.

Chloe was astonished.

Everyone inside the room was stupefied.

This is unbelievable. Levi Garrison’s status is frighteningly overwhelming.

The Return of God of War Chapter 63

Tap tap tap…

Footsteps rang in the hallway again.

A man dressed in police uniform and another man dressed in a soldier’s uniform entered.

Jed voiced out unwittingly after noticing the badges on their shoulders. “The Captain of Patrol Squad and a colonel from the army!”

“I know him. He’s Steven Shaw, the Colonel of North Hampton’s First Metallic Regiment.”

“And that’s Xavier Fields, the Captain of Patrol Squad!”

Everyone’s scalps tingled with unease at that moment. I can’t believe Steven Shaw and Xavier Field is here!

Both men were having a meeting nearby. They rushed over as soon as they were made aware of the situation.

The two fearsome men came to a halt in front of Levi and saluted him.

The crowd could not be more amazed. Who is Levi Garrison, actually? Why are all these remarkable men in society showing such great respect towards him? Even Mr. Jesse nearly rush back to the country from abroad for him. Levi’s authority is beyond our comprehension.

A hint of terror glinted in everyone’s eyes as they looked at Levi. The lowly criminal has become a powerful figure in just a few minutes.

Chloe’s body shivered as she stood beside Levi. Her legs felt heavy as lead, rooting her to her spot. She finally understood the hidden meaning behind Levi’s explanation earlier. He said he’s dealing with firearms. If I think further from that perspective, Levi may be a high-ranking officer in the military.

She did not dare to imagine further.

“Bring them away and never let me see them again.” Levi commanded nonchalantly.

Draco complied without a moment to waste. “I will discipline this useless son of mine. He will not cause any trouble from now on!”

Everyone glanced at Crystal simultaneously.

Crystal knew she was doomed. I made a terrible decision in offending this man.

Draco and the others left swiftly after. But Levi asked for Steven Shaw to stay.

Steven stood politely beside Levi, admiring his idol. “Please give your orders, Sir!” Steven Shaw said.

Levi scratched his nose before he said, “I need one hundred thousand men next week. Convey my request to the regiment.”

Levi was preparing his secret weapon to defeat the Garrison family.

Steven Shaw was shocked. But he nodded in agreement anyway. “I will accomplish this mission!”

The private room was already cleaned up by the time Steven Shaw left. The restaurant staff even changed the tablecloth for Levi’s table.

Everyone tensed up as they eyed Levi nervously.

They knew Levi had the ability to destroy their future and career with a single word.

“Let’s relax ourselves. This is a gathering, am I right? Let’s enjoy the reunion then.” Levi smiled.

Chloe immediately took the initiative to smooth things over. “Let’s take our seats and pretend as if that incident earlier never happened.”

Everyone’s movements were stiff as they returned to their seats.

Jed, Wayne, and the others who sided with Stephan earlier were trying their best to diminish their presence.

Earlier, all of them felt the urge to bootlick Stephan to win over his favor, but none of them had the courage to do the same to Levi.

“They should be serving the dishes by now. I’m getting hungry already.” Levi raised his tone.

Levi helped himself to the food after the dishes were served on the table.

He ate without a care for his image or any dining etiquettes, but no one had the guts to laugh at him.

Levi soon realized he was the only person eating inside the room. Everyone else was tensed and quiet.

He got up from his seat after he was done. “I’m full now. I’ll take my leave first.”

The Return of God of War Chapter 64

Chloe wanted to send him back, but Levi rejected her offer.

Noises erupted inside the private room after Levi’s departure.

“Oh my God! What just happened? Levi Garrison is so scary.”

“The Head Secretary of North Hampton, the Captain of Patrol Squad, they were all here. You guys must be so ashamed now, attempting to hook him up with a job.”

Jed, Wayne, and the others were beyond embarrassed by that comment.

“Oh? Is this the cigarette Levi was puffing on? I’ve never seen this brand before.” Someone picked up the empty box and asked curiously.

“You’re an idiot. This is a cigarette available only for military personnel. Moreover, this must be a rare edition limited only to the high-ranking officers based on the label.”

“What’s his current status, I wonder? He’s so intimidating.”

“He’s truly an impressive man. He was a successful person six years ago. Now, his achievements are even greater than before!”

Chloe did not join in the discussion. Mixed emotions churned in her chest as she felt grateful and regretful at the same time.

Her phone rang all of a sudden. It was a call from Levi.

“Morris Atkinson did not attend the gathering today?” He asked.

Morris Atkinson was Levi’s classmate as well as his best friend. He stayed by Levi’s side throughout high school and their university years.

Morris contributed to the establishment and success of Levi Group in the past. But after Levi was tricked by the Garrison family, Matthew Green and the others betrayed him. So Levi assumed Morris to have betrayed him as well since he was the vice president.

Levi attended the reunion with the sole intention of meeting with Morris Atkinson. But he did not expect him to be missing.

“Huh? It’s only natural that Morris Atkinson won’t be able to attend.” Chloe replied, surprised by Levi’s question.

“Why not?” Levi frowned.

“He passed away, didn’t he?” Chloe reverted the question back to Levi. I even suggested everyone not to mention Morris’ name at the gathering in advance because I did not want to dampen the mood.

“Passed away?” Levi was caught in utter astonishment.

“Ah. You really don’t know? Not long after your imprisonment, the Garrison family and Levi Group confronted each other. The news of Morris jumping off a building was made aware to the public shortly after. It was said he committed suicide because he was afraid of facing the punishment for his crime.” Chloe explained.

“What? Something like that happened?” Levi asked astoundingly. I did not investigate this matter because I knew the Garrison family orchestrated everything. So I was oblivious to Morris’ death. But if that’s the case, perhaps Morris did not betray me after all. Someone must have driven him to his death. It is impossible for Morris to commit suicide out of fear of punishments!

“Alright. I understand now.” Levi hung up the phone. Then he contacted Azure Dragon to investigate the matter immediately.

Azure Dragon reported back to him after a few seconds: Morris Atkinson swore to protect Levi Group with his life. But the Garrison family set him up and forced him to jump off a building. The media falsified the news of Morris Atkinson’s embezzlement of company funds to engage in secret affairs. News reported him to have committed suicide out of fear of facing punishment.

“The Garrison family!” Levi punched a hole through the wall in anger. “I’ve misunderstood you, my brother!” Levi muttered to himself guiltily.

Zoey sensed Levi’s abnormal demeanor when he arrived home that night. She asked. “What happened to you?”

“Do you know about Morris’ death?”

Zoey was stunned. “I thought you knew all along.”

Levi elaborated. “I was only made aware of it earlier tonight.”

“Please do not act impulsively. Just let go of the past!” Zoey was afraid Levi would seek revenge against the Garrison family.

“He was my best friend! He’s dead because of me. How can you expect me to let go of this so easily? I will never forgive the Garrison family!” Levi said menacingly.

Zoey consoled him right away. “You need to calm down. Our business is still developing. We do not have the power to confront the Garrison family at the moment.”

Levi responded in an tone. “The one-month period I gave them will be up in another week. I will have them pay the price for what they did to Morris at his grave by that time!”

The Return of God of War Chapter 65

The next day.

Azure Dragon accompanied Levi to Morris Atkinson’s grave.

Morris was not buried in a proper cemetery because of the Garrison family’s interference. He was simply buried in a secluded spot in the wild. Weeds had since covered his long-unattended grave.

Perhaps this grave will no longer be distinguishable after a few more years. ”I am here to see you, my brother!” Levi said loudly. You were my first comrade-in-arms to weather the battlefield-like business world. No one will ever comprehend the bond we shared.

Levi cleared the weeds on Morris’ grave with his own hands and fixed his gravestone.

Levi took a limited-edition bottle of wine available only in the army and sat in front of his grave.

“Let’s share this quality wine today, my brother.” Levi gulped the content after he spoke.

“Azure Dragon, inform everyone in the Garrison family to pay the price for their terrible deeds here after six days.” Levi commanded.

“Understood, Sir.” Azure Dragon nodded.

“Kirin, ask Nueve to bring a few men here to fix up this grave. I cannot allow my brother’s grave to be in such a shabby condition!” Levi told Kirin.

Then he continued to drink the bottle of wine while taking a stroll down memory lane. I made a promise to Morris that I would provide him with the most luxurious Rolls-Royce during his wedding.

Levi stayed at Morris’ grave for almost an entire day.

“Let’s go and visit Morris’ parents.” Levi straightened himself.

“I’ve located his parents, Sir. They are staying in a village not far away from the city.” Azure Dragon reported.

Levi grimaced. “What? Morris’ parents worked as governmental staff in the past. They own a house in the city. So why are they staying in a village now?”

Azure Dragon hesitated briefly before he continued. “The Garrison family is behind this. They revoked his parents’ ownership of the house and their pension. So they had no other choice but to move to the village and are now barely surviving.”

Levi’s expression darkened. The Garrison family drove Morris’ parents to the brink of desperation! They would’ve been dead if not for their old age. I must destroy that wretched family!

“Let’s go! I want to visit them. I think of them as my own parents now. Anyone who dares to lay a finger on them will face certain death!” Azure Dragon and Kirin trembled fearfully as they listened to Levi’s unforgiving words. It’s been a very long time since he was so mad. I remember the last time was when he single-handedly faced the strongest battalion from those eighteen countries.

Nueve led a group of men to the spot and refurbished the grave shortly after the trio left.

Trey and all the other mafia bosses from different gangs followed Nueve. They brought no lesser than three hundred men with them. After all, it is our obligation to fulfil the task Mr. Levi gave us.

The village was not far away from North Hampton but was significantly more rural compared to the city.


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