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The Protector (The Return Of The God of War) novel Chapter 91

The Return of God of War Chapter 91


Nueve and Trey sneered this time round.

It made Jack Smith feel strange.

“His status and identity are what all of you desire and aim for!” After Nueve said this, everyone began mocking him again.

No one could believe that a person who had just been released from prison would actually be someone so powerful and admirable.

Rick, who was more prudent, digested Nueve’s words properly to figure out what he meant.

It seemed like Levi had a bit of power and status now.

He could be because he had met a benefactor in prison.

But so what?

No matter how brilliant he was, he was of no match to Jack Smith.

Also, he could not deal with so many groups working together.

No matter what, Levi only had one way out and that was death.

Levi waved his hand. Nueve and Trey kept their mouths shut, and stood at a corner obediently.

Levi looked carefully at Jack Smith and the others, then laughed and said, “Jack Smith?”

“Impudent brat! Do you think a b*stard like you have the right to address the King of North Hampton this way?” Joseph shot angrily.

“That’s right, such a piece of trash like you does not even have the right to talk to the King of North Hampton!”

Ben stared furiously at Levi.

Levi curled his lips into a smile. “Joseph, the Garrison family’s connections and strength are incredible! You are stronger than I thought!”

The Garrison family was capable to summon such a huge army. It was enough to prove that they were a rich and powerful family in North Hampton.

“Hahaha… Do you now know our strength? Kneel down now, if you want us to spare your life!”

Bryan and Victoria laughed.

Levi faced the bunch of clowns and sneered, “I have given you a whole month to think about this. Haven’t you actually considered why I have so much confidence?”

After listening to Levi, the Garrison family was shocked.

Bryan quickly regained his senses and shot back immediately, “Hmph, isn’t Nueve the source of your confidence? Do you think we are stupid? We have checked thoroughly. Nueve and you were in prison together and that was where you met him!”

Upon listening to Bryan’s words, Levi laughed aloud. “Hahaha… Seems like Ashton is not awake yet. He will tell you everything once he wakes up.”

At the mention of Ashton, Jaycob went insane and exclaimed angrily, “I will definitely not let you off today, Levi! You turned my son into a vegetable. I will kill you today!”

Levi could not be bothered with Jaycob’s crazy antics. He looked at Rick and said, “My favorite third uncle who treats me the best, have you not given any thought about why and how we have come to this?”

At this moment, Rick’s facial expression changed.

He had indeed felt that Levi was not behaving like usual this month.

But he could not pinpoint why or how.

Everything looked reasonable on the surface but it also seemed unreasonable at the same time.

Rick felt that something was amiss after hearing Levi saying such a thing.

Levi was an intelligent man. Didn’t he know that even with Nueve’s ability and support, he would not be able to shake up the Garrison family?

If so, then why would he want to challenge them?

Even with so many big shots from North Hampton present, why did that not affect Levi?

That meant that he had enough resources and strength to counter the Garrison family!

He swept his gaze past Levi, and caught sight of the five men behind him. Azure Dragon was amongst them.

Rick felt that the five of them looked very unusual. They seemed to possess special powers and had a unique aura!

What was more, they looked indifferent, as if the presence of two thousand people did not matter at all.

“Mmm? Doesn’t that person look a bit familiar?”

The person in front of him, Azure Dragon, looked a bit familiar, but Rick could not remember where he had seen him.

Are these five people Levi’s hidden trump card?

The Return of God of War Chapter 92

Ben did not think so much. He stared at Levi and smirked, “You brat, are you not going to greet your parents now that they are here?”

Levi’s adoptive mother, Winnie, looked at Levi in disdain. “If I knew that you were going to betray us, I wouldn’t have picked you up from the streets. I should have let wild dogs attack you and leave you to die! A b*stard like you shouldn’t be allowed to survive.”


Upon receiving his adoptive parents’ harsh remarks, Levi took a deep breath.

If not for the fact that they had adopted him, these few sentences were enough for him to chop their heads off.

He was bitterly hurt!

His adoptive parents actually treated him like this!

I really hate this!

This is the most heartbreaking thing in my life.

Ben’s words pierced Levi’s heart. “Honestly speaking, we never think of you as our son. You are merely our tool!”

Levi’s adoptive mother, Winnie added, “That’s right! We only had one motive when we adopted you last time. You would take up another place in our family, and so we can receive an extra share of the Garrison family’s inheritance! That’s it! Otherwise, do you think we will raise a b*stard like you?”

The Garrison family spoke in unison, “Yes, our family has valuable connections. Do you think you are good enough to be in this family? You are merely a wild dog with impure blood in you! You are not worthy to be part of the Garrison family!”

Victoria was still unable to see the truth, so she stared at Levi. “Levi, are you still thinking of overthrowing the Garrison family? Stop dreaming! It’s not enough just because you have got Nueve on your side. He is merely an insignificant ant.”

Levi then broke into a laugh again. “I have already given you all a month to think about it. Why are all of you still behaving like foolish pigs? Do you really think my supporter is Nueve? Do you think he dares even if I lend my courage to him?” Levi raised his voice.

“No, Mr. Garrison!”

Nueve and the others fell to their knees in utter shock.

At this point in time, everyone at the scene saw that Nueve was fearful of Levi.

He has another hidden trump card that we do not know about!

Rick thought about it and a scary thought flashed past his mind.

Levi looked at Holly and laughed. “Now that you are in front of his grave, don’t you feel a bit of remorse? Don’t you think that Morris is looking down at you from up above?”

To be honest, Holly was feeling a bit remorseful.

However, she lifted her head and said arrogantly, “Hmm, it’s better that he is dead. If he were still alive, would I be able to live so comfortably now? He should be glad that he was able to be of value to his goddess as a substitute!”

Levi smiled. “So you don’t feel the need to repent at all?”

“Of course!”

Levi then looked at the Garrison family members again. “Do all of you not feel an ounce of remorse too?”

Spit! ”You are a bstard and that is another bstard who is dead. What is there for us to repent?” The Garrison family kept labelling them as b*stards.

Rowen and his wife were in tears.

Their son died a terrible death, and yet he was cursed and labelled a b*stard!

Who could withstand such injustice?

Joseph was furious and exclaimed in anger, “King of North Hampton! May I trouble you to take action? I cannot watch this any further!”

Jack Smith nodded his head. “Alright, as you wish!”

“I do not want to see them still standing!”

Jack Smith commanded for everyone to charge ahead.


At this point in time, a revving sound came from outside.

Everyone turned their heads to look in the direction of the cars arriving.

The most frightening thing was the sight of a police car in the middle of those cars!

The Return of God of War Chapter 93

The thugs stopped temporarily and looked behind.

Jack Smith smiled after taking a glance. “Mr. Garrison, you really impress me. Are there more people coming? Is there even a police car? This is really impressive!”

However, Joseph, Rick and the rest of the Garrison family were dumbfounded.

They stood there, at a loss.

The Garrison family had exhausted all their resources, and all their connections were already present at the scene.

Why are there more people coming?

Joseph questioned immediately, “Jack Smith, didn’t you invite these people?”

Jack Smith laughed. “You are kidding, Mr. Garrison. All those who I have invited are already here.”

“That’s right. All our connections are here already.”

Bob, Smiling Buddha and the others responded.

“That is strange! Who are these people? This is bad…”

As soon as they realized something, they turned towards Levi.

He is so calm. He must have invited these people here.

Very soon, these cars stopped outside.

A few people alighted from the police car…

“Captain of Patrol Squad Xavier Fields, Deputy Captain Derrick King, and Captain of Criminal Investigation Team Alex Williamson…”

Jack Smith was very familiar with the people in the police department. He called their names out one by one.

After listening to their names, everyone was struck.

The Garrison family, in particular, was shocked to see the presence of the police. Ben grew extremely pale and was frightened.

Bryan and Victoria were trembling in fear.

At this moment, some more people alighted from the other cars.

At the sight of all these people, Jack Smith, Bob and the others felt intimidated.

“Oh my god! Leader Mr. Jesse Nielsen, Deputy Leader Zenneth Fuller, Uptown District Leader Draco Simmons, First Secretary Cedric Jones, and commander of the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Land…”

Jack Smith was very familiar with these leaders from North Hampton. He mentioned all of their names.

He was going berserk at this moment!

Why are they here?

Even though Jack Smith was known as the King of North Hampton, it was merely a nickname. There were many people who were above him in terms of rank and status in North Hampton.

He was extremely fearful of all these people before him!

If all of them were to put in a bad word about him, he would cease to exist.

Not only was Jack Smith afraid of their presence, but Bob and Smiling Buddha were also fearful.

These people were their enemies!

Although the Garrison family was different from them, they were also afraid of the presence of these big shots!

They were more fearful of the purpose of these people’s arrival. Why are they here?

Rick was very quick to notice that Jesse, Xavier and the others had donned black suits with a white flower pinned to their chests.

It was apparent that they were here to pay their respects to Morris!

His head was about to explode at this moment!

Rick tried to reassess Levi again. Just who exactly is he?

Even these big shots are here to pay their respects to Morris!

Jesse and the others walked over. Xavier furrowed his eyebrows, and yelled, “Make way!”

The thugs were shocked by Xavier and carved out a path for him to walk through.

They were drenched in perspiration as they looked on at Xavier and the others walking past.

Jack Smith, Joseph and the others stood on the other side of the path, waiting anxiously.

At the sight of Jesse and the others, they went over to welcome and greet him.

Xavier yelled coldly, “Scram!”

“Don’t block the way!”

Jack Smith and the others were shocked and stood aside, not daring to move.

Jack Smith took out his handkerchief to wipe away the perspiration on his forehead.

Joseph was so frightened that his blood pressure rose and he almost fainted.

Everyone could only stare as Jesse and the others walk towards the grave.

The Return of God of War Chapter 94

When they arrived in front of the grave, everyone simply nodded their heads to Levi and paid their respects to Morris. Then, they walked towards Rowen and his wife to offer their condolences.

Rowen used to work in the department, so he knew who these people were.

He cried tears of joy and lifted his head, smiling, “Morris! Can you see this? Your leaders are here to pay their respects to you!”

The elderly couple started crying.

Dozens of big shots from North Hampton paid their respects to Morris, one at a time!

Jack Smith was disappointed as he witnessed this scene!

They all seemed to have fallen into an icy cold cavern…

Gradually, they understood why Nueve and Trey would sacrifice their lives for Levi.

Jack Smith now understood why Francis Hicks did not want to come, and even warned him not to.

Francis Hicks knew about this!

We cannot get involved in this matter!

Holly, Kit and Misty saw the top leaders of North Hampton paying their respects to Morris.

They had mixed emotions in their hearts.

After all, they did not know what was in store for them.


Joseph’s legs could not stop shaking. He was speechless.

Jaycob too had no intention of seeking revenge anymore.

Rick was extremely confused.

“This, this, this…”

Ben was too shocked to say anything.

Winnie stared at Levi in disbelief. She did not expect this.

Bryan, Victoria and the others were all flabbergasted.

What is Levi’s actual identity?

Why are all the leaders here?

Even those with strong connections could never bring all these people together!

A million doubts and questions filled their heads.

“My condolences, Mr. Atkinson!”

After these big shots from North Hampton paid their respects, they left without staying any longer.

They also did not look at Jack Smith or anyone else.

This made the others present very confused.

What is happening here?

Ben laughed all of a sudden. “I get it now! Mr. Nielsen and the others came here to pay respects to Morris out of respect for Rowen and his wife. They used to old leaders in the department after all!”

“That’s right. After knowing that Levi has caused such a big commotion, it is only natural for them to come here and pay their respects!” Joseph said immediately.

Bryan also thought it through. “If Mr. Nielsen and the others are Levi’s supporters, why did they not come and attack us, but left immediately instead?”

“That’s right, that must be it!”

Jack Smith also agreed.

“So, as long as we do not hurt Rowen’s family and touch Morris’ grave, we will be okay. As for the other people, we can do whatever we want to them!”

Jaycob’s eyes had a murderous look in them.

He had wanted to kill and get rid of Levi a long time ago.

“Yes! I need to make sure that Levi kneels in front of me today!”

Joseph shook his walking stick.

The thugs recovered from the shock they experienced earlier and looked fiercely at Levi once more.

At this moment, Levi waved his hand to summon Azure Dragon and the rest to his side.

“Tell them that we are going to act!” Levi commanded.

“Understood!” Azure Dragon nodded his head.

After that, he took out a walkie-talkie and commanded, “Act now!”

Levi saw the Garrison family members staring blankly at him. He smiled and said, “I’m sorry for the delay and thank you for waiting. The real dish is about to be served!”

Bryan exclaimed, “Levi, what tricks do you have up your sleeve again?”


Just when Bryan stopped talking, a signal flare was launched in all directions.


Everyone was at a loss as they saw the signal flare exploding in the sky.

The Return of God of War Chapter 95

Jack Smith had never seen such a thing!

He did not know what kind of messages these signal flares were sending.

However, the mercenaries had a horrified expression on their faces.

Upon seeing the signal flare, they knew that something major was going to happen.

It was a signal flare specifically used by the military!

“This is not good. Mr. Garrison, we need to retreat as soon as possible!” The head of the mercenary reported to Rick.

However, Rick who was inexperienced in this aspect could not understand what he meant.

“Why should we retreat? We have yet to find out what exactly is happening!” Rick responded coldly.

“Then we will retreat. We do not want the money anymore!”

The mercenaries knew what the signal flare represented. Thus, they wanted to retreat and leave.

It was not necessary for them to risk their lives for money!


Just when they were about to retreat, there was a sudden movement of the earth, and the ground under everyone’s feet moved.

All of them clearly saw the sand and stones tumbling and shaking under their feet!

The vibrations became more intense and violent. Some people were unsteady and could not remain standing.

It felt as though a giant earthquake was approaching.

The mercenaries bent down slowly and placed their ears on the ground to listen.

In an instant, their facial expressions changed.

This vibration is too loud!

In the past, they had experienced being surrounded by hundreds of enemy mercenaries on the barren battlefield, and the vibration then was loud enough.

However, based on the current vibration and their previous experiences, the scale was much greater than they had encountered.

It would be a rough estimate of about 100,000 people on the battlefield!

100,000 people?

What kind of concept is this? He was unable to imagine it!

Buzz buzz buzz…

This time, there were bursts of low buzzing sounds in the air.

Everyone looked up and was shocked to see small planes hovering in the sky. They could already feel the impending storm.

What was worst was seeing these planes lining up in formation and flying around in groups, circling the sky above.

Everyone was counting the number of planes in the sky.

There were at least hundreds of them!

Not only that, there were hundreds of helicopters dominating the lower airspace as well. They were densely packed and covered the entire sky for miles.

The sky became dark and nobody could see a thing.

The sheer number of these planes had completely covered the sun, blocking out all the sunlight!

There was the sudden arrival of dozens of huge transport planes aimlessly hovering in the air!

Boom boom boom!

The ground below them was shaking violently.

Many people were unsteady on their feet.


Someone standing on the outermost circle shouted, leading everyone to look behind.

A few colossal objects appeared in their line of vision.

When they finally saw them clearly, everyone’s faces had already grown pale.

They were all in complete shock!

The colossal objects were a line of war chariots and battle tanks!

They came in from all four directions.

The mercenaries estimated the number to be at least a few thousand!

It is an epic battle scene!


Everyone saw the infantry among the war chariots. There were so many of them, densely packed together, and they could barely see their individual heads!

Click click click…

The formation of battle tanks was followed by a large infantry. They came at a uniform, world-shaking pace.

“There are four columns in one regiment! As a rough estimate, we can see twenty groups!”

“We can see about 20,000 people!”

“But it is just a small portion. There are a lot more at the back! The main army!”


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