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The Pure-Hearted Princess and the Kiss of Darkness novel Chapter 23


I look in the mirror, staring at my reflection.

His Luna.

No matter how much I denied it or told myself we could never be, it never took away these emotions that I have no control over. But it isn’t meant to be like this.

Even if those words feel like a dream, they are not. Maybe the beginning of a nightmare, maybe not. Especially when I witnessed the look in his eyes, that dangerous glint that told me he was planning something.

Something that promised pain and havoc.

He’s trying to hurt me, using my confession that I blurted out against me and I… I will let him because I am here to help him. Not to gain his love, nor to win him over, but to lift the darkness that shrouds his very being.

And I can’t help him if I’m locked up in the cells. I’m not sure how much as a Luna he will treat me, but I will take what I can and use everything in my power to make the most of this situation.

In fact, this is a better-case scenario in many ways. I just wish it wasn’t at the expense of using my confession.

But I’m here to help him, and by being his so-called Luna, it will give me a far better chance than I hoped for… but how do I tell Dad about this? Must I tell him? Maybe it’s better I don’t… but he’ll be upset if I don’t.

Sighing, I decide I’ll speak to the girls when I get a chance. I wish I had my phone.

I undress and step into the shower, sucking in a breath as I switch on the icy water. Yelping when it sprays on me, although I am not under the powerful stream yet.

Closing my eyes, I bravely step under the downpour, wrapping my arms around myself as the water gushes down, making me whimper.

“It isn’t cold, it isn’t cold. Not cold… no, not cold, I’m not cold.” I whimper as the ice-cold water makes my teeth chatter. I take a deep breath slowly getting used to the cold after a few moments.

If you believe it… it’s real.

How can he be so stingy with warm water? It’s freezing, even for a warm day. No one wants to bathe in this ice-cold water. With the heat, the water should at least be lukewarm, but it’s icy!

I wash my hair, enjoying the shower far more than I should be despite the freezing temperatures.

Why the sudden change in his persona? What did he realise that he switched tune like that, anyway?

And his eyes, once again, were orange.

And the Crawler… how was it possible?

Is the darkness growing? Because it’s clear that it’s coming for me too. How was he able to get close to me?

I am still unable to comprehend that.

I brush my wet hair back and lean against the wall behind me, closing my eyes.

Dante said as long as there is no darkness around me, I’ll be safe.

That they’ll never be able to touch me in my visions…

Maybe I should talk to him! I-

My eyes snap open as his words replay in my head. ‘As long as there is no darkness around you, you will be untouchable, My Cherry Blossom. Always remember that.’

Darkness… around me…

Around me.


A frown etches onto my forehead, and I shake my head.

No, he is not that kind of darkness, just- it doesn’t matter! I am not abandoning him even if he is!

Dante said that, but he doesn’t know all. I have already foreseen my death by then, so it doesn’t matter.

I finish washing quickly, switch the shower off, and pick up a towel to dry my hair. The dark thoughts made me feel rather glum.

I walk to the mirror and look down at my body. The bruises are fading, the thin cuts Enrique had made have healed already.

23. Thoughts 1

23. Thoughts 2


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