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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 10

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 10

Chapter 10 A Beauty

“You won’t scold me if you are my biological mother.” Timothy had a stern look.

“Rosaline took you away when you were born. Doesn’t that mean you didn’t have your mother to educate you?”

Timothy was stunned and lowered his head.

“Timmy.” Alana grabbed both his shoulders, “I was only anxious because you weren’t by my side. Remember not to tell Grandma.”

“Is that true?” Timothy raised his head and looked at Alana.

“Of course, it is. I beg you. Tell Granny and Daddy that you miss me and want to stay with me. When Daddy marries me, I will be able to accompany you every day.”

Timothy nodded. Even though Alana did not look like one, he wanted a mother to love him, just like the other children.

“Also, you need to cry when you see your father. Don’t let him marry some Wonder Doctor. Otherwise, he won’t love you anymore when they have another child. Understand?”

“Okay.” Timothy nodded like he understood everything.

“That’s all. Go and play. I’ll be waiting for you here.”

Timothy walked towards the playground sadly. He only saw Alana playing with her phone when other children’s mothers were by their sides. She did not act like his biological mother at all and did not even care about him.

Timothy walked out alone after walking around the place twice.

Alana was still playing with her phone and forgot that she had brought Timothy with her.

After Timothy left the playground, he took the elevator and prepared to go home. However, he slipped and fell off the railing.

“Help!” Timothy started crying.

Emmeline was pushing a shopping cart. When she saw a child dangling on the elevator, the child reminded her of her triplets.. Emmeline pushed her shopping cart away and leapt on the elevator to carry Timothy in her arms.

Timothy was heavy and caused Emmeline to fall on the floor. However, she hugged him tightly and used her body as a cushion.

Everyone around them was shocked and started to surround them.

Timothy looked fine, but Emmeline’s forehead was bleeding.

“Call 911 and send them to the hospital!” One of the bystanders shouted.

Soon, someone called 911 and both of them got sent to the hospital.

Timothy had a bruised elbow, while Emmeline needed eight stitches on her forehead. She was sent to get an IV drip.


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