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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 42

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 42

Ms. Louise, lots of people suddenly came over, so I can’t handle all of them!” Sam’s voice sounded from downstairs.

Was it the news that attracted all these people and entertainment repórters?

Emmeline adjusted her hair and went downstairs calmly.

The cafe was quite packed.

When the people saw her walking downstairs, countless phones and cameras were raised.

“Ms. Louise, it seems like you’ve returned to Struyria. Do you still remember the incident five years ago?”

“I heard you’ve given birth to children. Do you know who the

children’s father is?”

“Ms. Louise, which man are you targeting now that you’ve returned to Struyria? Can you provide us some hints?”

“I’ll answer these questions!” A voice came from the door.

Emmeline looked over and saw that it was Adrien.

Adrien was a famous playboy in Struyria, so being in the headlines was nothing unusual to him.

With his sudden appearance, everyone immediately thought that there was something new. He was a wealthy Young Master, so everyone loved seeing news about him.

The crowd soon surrounded him.

“Mr. Adrien, can you answer these questions for Ms. Louise?”

“Mr. Adrien, what do you want to say? Could it be that Ms. Louise’s affair five years ago is related to you?”

‘Ms. Louise isn’t what the rumors say. Five years ago, I was drunk and caused trouble, so she’s the victim!” Adrien explained.

“What?!” The cafe was in chaos.

“Does this mean that the man who made Ms. Louise pregnant before marriage was you, Mr. Adrien?”

“Wow, there’s big news today. We didn’t come over for nothing!”

“Yes, I feel sorry for Ms. Louise, so I hope your negative impressions about her will disappear from now


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