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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 44

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 44

Color washed off Alana’s face.

Abel did sleep with her. Why was he not admitting to that fact?

“A-Abel, I don’t get what you’re saying.”

“I said I never touched you.” Abel narrowed his eyes and smirked.

“No… Abel.”

Alana broke out in cold sweat. Surely, Abel did not want to own up to it in Emmeline’s presenee.

“I know you don’t like to be put in the spot. I don’t blame you since we’re heading toward a shotgun wedding. Your mother said so.”

“You’re stubborn, aren’t you?” Abel’s eyes were chilly. “How many times does it take for you to understand

the consequences?”

Alana uttered in angst, “I know your heart belongs to Emmeline, but I’m the mother of your children. Let me keep this child. We’re a family together!”

Abel.” Unable to stand it anymore, Emmeline sternly said, “You’ve gone too far. I can’t believe you’d deny the things you do. You’re a filthy man!”

“Emmeline, don’t you trust me?” Abel’s grimacing gaze fell on Emmeline.

They had spent time together for more than a month. Was the spark and chemistry between them a lie?

“Why should I?” Emmeline pointed at Alana. “She’s carrying your child. Why are you still keeping up with the act? Don’t you think it makes you a

filthy animal?”

“Yeah, Abel.” Adrien jumped in. “A man has to pull his weight, especially the boy of the Rykers. I’ll tell Grandad if you’re going to shy away from your responsibility. You can forget about taking over the Ryker household. Adam can be the next in line.”

“I said this has nothing to do with me!” Abel blew up.

“Can’t you be a man?” Adrien sneered.

“Abel, we were together the other night. Why won’t you admit to it? Is it because of Emmeline?” Alana cried.

It gave the onlookers something to talk about. They whispered among themselves, unable to believe the heir of Ryker Group was an

irresponsible sc*mbag!

Tension ran along Abel’s facial line. Locking his jaw, he gnashed his teeth in rage.

Oh, if only he could have his hands around Alana’s neck. Alas, this was not the time or place.

There was no way he could convince everybody otherwise at this point. People would only take his further defense as a denial.

Besides, the matter would put the Ryker Group in a negative light.

He had to let it go for now.

Abel could only prove his innocence when Alana gave birth to the child.

“Abel, did I do something wrong? Shouldn’t I have come here?” Alana


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