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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 51

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 51

Challenge accepted!” Feeling upset, Emmeline threw her head back and downed half the drink.

The strong liquor seemed to take away a lot of the ill feelings.

“Let’s eat.” Grace was quick to put

food on Emmeline’s plate.

Ethan always had a knack for

cooking, and the food he made really

hit the spot for Emmeline.

Emmeline gorged a few bites.

“It’s delicious and tasty. It’s as I remember.”

“Have some more. Come on, let’s

have another round of drinks.” Ethan

raised his glass again.

“Don’t forget about Grace. Put your

glass up, Grace. Cheers!”

Grace raised her glass. “Cheers! Bottoms up, Emma.”

“Bottoms up!”

Emmeline was drunk after a few rounds of liquor. She slumped against the chair and slipped off her seat.

With Ethan giving his wife a look, Grace went and moved Emmeline to

the sofa.

Emmeline flung her arms in the air with her eyes closed. “I want to teach Alana a lesson. Don’t stop me. It’s about time Alana learns to be a mom!”

“Have a nap. You can go once you’re well rested,” Grace remarked.

“No, I can’t. I need to go now. I need to give Abel something to think

about too! Is this the kind of mom he wants Alana to be for Timothy? Why did she get pregnant in the first place if she doesn’t brush up on her mothering skills? Abel Ryker, you’re a real piece of work!”

“That’s right! That’s right! They are all a piece of work!”

“So don’t stop me. I’m going to the Rykers’ residence now. I will show them!”

“That isn’t necessary.” Ethan held his sister down.

What did a woman with three

ehildren have to show?

It was best not to mess with Abel.

They were not in the position to go up against the man.

Alas, Ethan could barely keep Emmeline still. With her eyes shut, she mumbled about showing up at the Rykers’ residence to reason with them.


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