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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 708

Chapter 708 Confrontation

"Mr. Abel. Your parents are here." Luca rushed to the living room.

"What for?" Abel got up from the couch.

"They don't look very happy. Perhaps it is due to the news?" replied Luca. Before Abel could say anything, Lewis and Rosaline barged in.

"Dad, Mom," greeted Abel with a shaky voice.

"We don't have a son like you."

"Is it because of the news?" Abel frowned. "You know those paparazzi. Don't trust whatever they write."

"If there was nothing between Evelyn and you, why would you two be caught in that compromising position?" asked Lewis.

It was difficult to explain to Lewis that everything was planned by Evelyn.

"No wonder you canceled the wedding. Emma ran away, didn't she? Because you cheated on her!" Rosaline's body was trembling when she said that.

Abel didn't know what to say. He didn't want to involve his parents.

"Abel Ryker," said Lewis harshly. "This is about the family's image. Give me a solution now."

"I can ask the media outlets to remove those photos. I am innocent anyway. I fear no one," argued Abel.

"Did you cheat on Emma or not? How could you do this to Emmeline and the triplets?" asked Rosaline.

"Mom, am I a cheater to you? Haven't you seen how I treat the triplets?"

"You're young. Who knows? You might think with your lower half," commented Lewis.

"Dad, I wouldn't be thinking about settling down now if it wasn't for Emma. Why would I cheat on her? Do you think I'm a playboy like Adrien?"

"So there is nothing between Evelyn and you?"

"Nothing at all."

"What about Emma? You said she got into an accident. What kind of accident?" inquired Rosaline.

At this point, it was useless to hide further. Abel decided to come clean.

"Emma was kidnapped. And I..." A hint of sadness crept into Abel's eyes. "And I still haven't found her.

Upon hearing the news, Rosaline slumped on the sofa and Lewis began to stagger.

"Calm down, Dad. Mind your blood pressure." Abel went to steady his father.

"Who is the kidnapper? Do you have any leads?" asked Lewis.

"None so far," replied Abel. "I think Evelyn has something to do with it. That's why I went to confront her. And that's how the paparazzi got the photos."

"Evelyn? From the Murphy family? Why would she do this?" said Lewis in disbelief.

"Because she is into Abel," answered Rosaline.

"Oh, no. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned," Lewis added.

"Is Evelyn going to harm Emma?" Rosaline grew uneasy.

"No, not for the moment. But I'll keep on looking." Abel wasn't sure if he would succeed, but he could never say that out loud to his parents.

"Please make sure nothing happens to Emma. She is the mother of my grandchildren!"

"Abel." Lewis patted his son's shoulder. "Let me know if you need my help."

"Thanks, Dad, Mom."

"We'll head back then." Lewis put his hand on his forehead. "I'm feeling a bit dizzy. I need to rest."

"Ask the family doctor to monitor your blood pressure too. Let me see you out," said Abel.

After Abel's parents left, Luca came with another piece of bad news. "Mr. Abel, the Louises are here too..."


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