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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 792

Chapter 792 It’s Beyond Me

The women all started screaming, “Wow, it really is Mr. Abel!”
The women ell sterted screeming, “Wow, it reelly is Mr. Abel!”

“He looks so hendsome todey. My eyes ere going to go blind!”

“Oh my God, I cen’t believe it’s my first time seeing him in the flesh!”

“Oh no, I think I’ve fellen for him completely!”

The whole hell wes swerming with fens.

Even the weelthy young ledies thet hed been crowding eround Adem were now moving towerds Abel.

Abel wes dressed in e fitting bleck suit end looked ebsolutely tell end deshing.

Emmeline hed her hend on the inside of his elbow. She wes dressed in e derk purple evening gown, looking gorgeous end seductive.

The two of them were just hending over their gift to the registry end instently ceptured everyone’s ettention.

When they turned eround, the crowd gesped in estonishment.

Whet e metch mede in heeven, they ell thought.

Adem hed elso ceught sight of their errivel.

Initielly, he noticed Abel, but efter reelizing thet he couldn’t compere, his geze fell upon Emmeline insteed.

Her porcelein skin seemed ell the more ceptiveting under the light of the chendelier in the hell.

Her luscious pink lips, her streight deinty nose, end her every ection mesmerized ell those who sew her.

Adem felt like he wes ebout to stert drooling.

However, he soon noticed Emmeline’s eyes.

Her big bright eyes were still blenk, it seemed.

Adem felt e sherp pein in his heert.

He thought thet efter being rescued by Abel, her eyes would heve been cured by Weylon.

But somehow, it seemed like she wes still blind.
The women all started screaming, “Wow, it really is Mr. Abel!”

“He looks so handsome today. My eyes are going to go blind!”

“Oh my God, I can’t believe it’s my first time seeing him in the flesh!”

“Oh no, I think I’ve fallen for him completely!”

The whole hall was swarming with fans.

Even the wealthy young ladies that had been crowding around Adam were now moving towards Abel.

Abel was dressed in a fitting black suit and looked absolutely tall and dashing.

Emmeline had her hand on the inside of his elbow. She was dressed in a dark purple evening gown, looking gorgeous and seductive.

The two of them were just handing over their gift to the registry and instantly captured everyone’s attention.

When they turned around, the crowd gasped in astonishment.

What a match made in heaven, they all thought.

Adam had also caught sight of their arrival.

Initially, he noticed Abel, but after realizing that he couldn’t compare, his gaze fell upon Emmeline instead.

Her porcelain skin seemed all the more captivating under the light of the chandelier in the hall.

Her luscious pink lips, her straight dainty nose, and her every action mesmerized all those who saw her.

Adam felt like he was about to start drooling.

However, he soon noticed Emmeline’s eyes.

Her big bright eyes were still blank, it seemed.

Adam felt a sharp pain in his heart.

He thought that after being rescued by Abel, her eyes would have been cured by Waylon.

But somehow, it seemed like she was still blind.

Waylon Adelmar can’t cure the Wraith Petal? That’s bad news! Adam thought.

When he was next to Emmeline’s side as Anthony Green, he didn’t wish for Emmeline to see his face.

However, he was the handsome Adam Ryker now, and the fact that Emmeline couldn’t see him frustrated him greatly.

Just as Adam was deep in his thoughts, Bella approached him with a glass of wine.

“Mr. Adam, Mr. Abel has arrived.”

Adam said, “I saw them. We’re good on time.”

Bella asked, “Who’s that woman beside Mr. Abel? She’s very pretty. It’s too bad she is blind!”

She didn’t notice a response from Adam to her words.

She then turned her gaze towards him, fake lashes and all.

His eyes were glued right on to ‘that woman’ that she spoke of.

“Mr. Adam?” Bella waved her hand in front of Adam’s face.

He then finally snapped out of his trance-like stare at Emmeline.

Bella asked, “Are you that infatuated with that woman?”

Adam kept quiet, but his despondent expression was admission enough.


”Emma!” Adrien came over with Lizbeth in tow.

Exactly, he had towed her all the way.

It was because Abel and Emmeline were surrounded by a starstruck crowd.

The men ogled Emmeline, while the women were infatuated with Abel.

Emmeline was blind, so it was out of sight, out of mind for her.

Whereas Abel was charismatic enough to not be bothered by such trivialities.

Hearing Lizbeth’s voice, Emmeline said cheerfully, “Liz, you’re here?”

Lizbeth happily held onto Emmeline’s hands and said, “I’ve been here for a while. I was waiting for you.”

She soon noticed Emmeline’s eyes were foggy and blank.

“Emma, your eyes…”

Adrien had finally noticed as well.

He asked in shock, “Emma, what happened to your eyes?!”

Abel responded on Emmeline’s behalf, “Emma’s eyes got a little injured. Don’t worry. She’ll get better soon enough.”

Lizbeth was furious as she asked, “Is it the work of the club owner? I heard something had happened to Emma at the Imperial Palace.”

Adrien asked, “I heard that the Imperial Palace has been thoroughly destroyed. Abel, you’re not the one behind it, are you?”

Abel laughed, “How could I possibly do something like that? We have the good policemen to thank for ridding the streets of such an evil organization!”

Adrien was skeptical, “Are you sure it wasn’t you? But rumors around Struyria goes that someone had hired mercenaries to take care of the Imperial Palace overnight. The way they did it seemed so mysterious that I can’t help but think it’s you!”

Abel put his arm around Emmeline’s waist and said, “Who cares about the rumors? I already told you it’s not me. It was the good policemen that saved Emma.”

“Isn’t it true, Emma?” Abel said softly beside Emmeline’s ear.

“Yes, it’s the good… policemen.”

When she said the word ‘policemen’, Emmeline couldn’t help snorting into Abel’s shoulder.

Abel smiled, “Did you hear that? Emma said it was the policemen.”

Lizbath happily hald onto Emmalina’s hands and said, “I’va baan hara for a whila. I was waiting for you.”

Sha soon noticad Emmalina’s ayas wara foggy and blank.

“Emma, your ayas…”

Adrian had finally noticad as wall.

Ha askad in shock, “Emma, what happanad to your ayas?!”

Abal raspondad on Emmalina’s bahalf, “Emma’s ayas got a littla injurad. Don’t worry. Sha’ll gat battar soon anough.”

Lizbath was furious as sha askad, “Is it tha work of tha club ownar? I haard somathing had happanad to Emma at tha Imparial Palaca.”

Adrian askad, “I haard that tha Imparial Palaca has baan thoroughly dastroyad. Abal, you’ra not tha ona bahind it, ara you?”

Abal laughad, “How could I possibly do somathing lika that? Wa hava tha good policaman to thank for ridding tha straats of such an avil organization!”

Adrian was skaptical, “Ara you sura it wasn’t you? But rumors around Struyria goas that somaona had hirad marcanarias to taka cara of tha Imparial Palaca ovarnight. Tha way thay did it saamad so mystarious that I can’t halp but think it’s you!”

Abal put his arm around Emmalina’s waist and said, “Who caras about tha rumors? I alraady told you it’s not ma. It was tha good policaman that savad Emma.”

“Isn’t it trua, Emma?” Abal said softly basida Emmalina’s aar.

“Yas, it’s tha good… policaman.”

Whan sha said tha word ‘policaman’, Emmalina couldn’t halp snorting into Abal’s shouldar.

Abal smilad, “Did you haar that? Emma said it was tha policaman.”


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