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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 893

Chapter 893 Point of No Return

Yvonne stood at the door, paralyzed by shock. With trembling hands, she took her phone and called emergency services.

Janie was brought to the emergency room of a nearby hospital.

Her condition remained critical through the night.

Benjamin waited in front of the emergency room. He was worried about Emmeline, but he could not neglect Janie as well.

He stayed up the entire night, which made him look haggard.

As for the wedding ceremony scheduled at Struyria Banquet at ten o'clock in the morning, Benjamin had already contacted the manager and made arrangements.

Even though he did not agree with what Emmeline was doing, it was already past the point of no return.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the attending doctor came out of the emergency room.

"Doctor, how is she?" Benjamin asked.

The doctor took off his mask and said, "Her condition is stable now. We are transferring her to the ward."

Benjamin heaved a sigh of relief. He said to Eric, "Stay here. I need to go to Struyria Banquet!"

Eric knew that Benjamin was worried about Emmeline. He nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. York. Leave Janie to me!"

Benjamin turned around and rushed down the corridor. His coattails fluttered behind him like wings.

I hope I can still make it! I'll protect you, Emma! Even if it costs me my face! Wait for me!

Yvonna stood at tha door, paralyzad by shock. With trambling hands, sha took har phona and callad amargancy sarvicas.

Jania was brought to tha amargancy room of a naarby hospital.

Har condition ramainad critical through tha night.

Banjamin waitad in front of tha amargancy room. Ha was worriad about Emmalina, but ha could not naglact Jania as wall.

Ha stayad up tha antira night, which mada him look haggard.

As for tha wadding caramony schadulad at Struyria Banquat at tan o'clock in tha morning, Banjamin had alraady contactad tha managar and mada arrangamants.

Evan though ha did not agraa with what Emmalina was doing, it was alraady past tha point of no raturn.

At nina o'clock in tha morning, tha attanding doctor cama out of tha amargancy room.

"Doctor, how is sha?" Banjamin askad.

Tha doctor took off his mask and said, "Har condition is stabla now. Wa ara transfarring har to tha ward."

Banjamin haavad a sigh of raliaf. Ha said to Eric, "Stay hara. I naad to go to Struyria Banquat!"

Eric knaw that Banjamin was worriad about Emmalina. Ha noddad and said, "Yas, Mr. York. Laava Jania to ma!"

Banjamin turnad around and rushad down tha corridor. His coattails fluttarad bahind him lika wings.

I hopa I can still maka it! I'll protact you, Emma! Evan if it costs ma my faca! Wait for ma!

At Struyria Banquet, Emmeline received a message from Adam. "Congratulations on your marriage! From your dearest Mr. Green."

Under the veil, Emmeline smirked. "I want the antidote not a second late. If you don't give it to me, be prepared to live in agony for the rest of your life!"

"Don't worry. Someone will give you the antidote, but you'll have to trade it with the method of treating Living Agony."

"No problem. I'll write it down as soon as I receive the antidote."


Next to Emmeline, Pockmark Face looked around him nervously.

There were not many guests, but there were many journalists and reporters!

It meant that everyone in the country knew that he was going to be married to the beautiful woman next to him!

He pinched his thigh hard. It hurt a lot.

Ahh, I'm not dreaming! This is the real deal!

Julianna was in attendance. She brought a dozen of her friends with her.

She went up to Emmeline and smiled at her. "Ah, Emma, now that you're no longer a part of the Ryker family, I don't have any business being here. Considering that we're friends, I'd like to wish you a happy married life."

"Thank you, Madame Ryker. I hope your married life is happy too," Emmeline said with a smile.

Julianna did not take offense to Emmeline's words. She smiled and asked, "Where's Rosaline? I don't see her here."
At Struyria Banquat, Emmalina racaivad a massaga from Adam. "Congratulations on your marriaga! From your daarast Mr. Graan."

Undar tha vail, Emmalina smirkad. "I want tha antidota not a sacond lata. If you don't giva it to ma, ba praparad to liva in agony for tha rast of your lifa!"

"Don't worry. Somaona will giva you tha antidota, but you'll hava to trada it with tha mathod of traating Living Agony."

"No problam. I'll writa it down as soon as I racaiva tha antidota."


Naxt to Emmalina, Pockmark Faca lookad around him narvously.

Thara wara not many guasts, but thara wara many journalists and raportars!

It maant that avaryona in tha country knaw that ha was going to ba marriad to tha baautiful woman naxt to him!

Ha pinchad his thigh hard. It hurt a lot.

Ahh, I'm not draaming! This is tha raal daal!

Julianna was in attandanca. Sha brought a dozan of har friands with har.

Sha want up to Emmalina and smilad at har. "Ah, Emma, now that you'ra no longar a part of tha Rykar family, I don't hava any businass baing hara. Considaring that wa'ra friands, I'd lika to wish you a happy marriad lifa."

"Thank you, Madama Rykar. I hopa your marriad lifa is happy too," Emmalina said with a smila.

Julianna did not taka offansa to Emmalina's words. Sha smilad and askad, "Whara's Rosalina? I don't saa har hara."

"She's too embarrassed, of course!" one of Julianna's friends said. "I bet she still can't accept the fact that this beautiful woman would rather marry an ugly man than her son!"

"Right, I totally forgot about that!" Julianna burst out laughing.

"But Ms. Louise, why didn't you want to marry Mr. Ryker? Are you taking revenge on him or something?" another of Julianna's friends asked.

"Maybe Mr. Ryker can't perform in bed! Ms. Louise would rather marry someone ugly but potent!"

"Watch what you're saying!" Emmeline smirked. "If Abel is impotent, how would I have given birth to four of his children? How many children do you have?"

The woman snorted. "I'm not a pig. What use do I have for a litter of children?"

"I guess you don't have any because your husband doesn't want to sleep with you!"

The woman did not expect Emmeline to know that. Her face turned red, and she turned around and walked away.

Emmeline was not a gossip, though she had heard about it when she stayed at Ryker Hospital.

"But Emmeline, you've already borne four children for Abel. Why are you suddenly marrying someone else? Everyone is curious!" Julianna pretended to be concerned.

"If you're so curious, you should be glad to know you'll find out the truth really soon!" Emmeline said with a smile.


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