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The Return of the War Legate by Celestial Clouds novel Chapter 60

“Where’s your car?” Adaline asked in confusion.

“I’ve already made a call, so let’s give it a minute.”

‘What in the world is he doing now?’ Adaline wondered.

Within less than ten minutes, an exquisite silver-colored Porsche Cayenne Turbo Coupé could suddenly be heard driving toward the siblings with its engines blaring.

A car that was worth one and a half million dollars stopped right in front of the siblings.

The car doors opened, revealing a stunning woman in a uniform dress. She got out and handed the keys to Adrian. “Here’s your car, sir.”

“Thank you. Good work,” Adrian said.

The woman smiled and flagged down a cab for herself.

With the keys, Adrian opened the storage compartment and looked at Ada. “Come on, put your luggage inside, and let’s head off.”

Adaline was too stunned to speak. She may not be familiar with cars, but even she could tell that the Porsche in front of her was worth more than a million dollars.

She had not been in a car this luxurious ever since Henry passed away. In fact, she had never even owned a normal car that was worth twenty thousand dollars.

“Adrian, what’s this?” Adaline had her hand over her mouth in shock. She could feel something being triggered deep inside of her.

‘Did Adrian just casually open the door of a million-dollar car???’

Adaline recalled the events back at the restaurant—about how Lucas and Daniel had shown up there all of a sudden.

She was completely dumbfounded.

Chapter 60 1

Chapter 60 2


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