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The Reunion After Seven Years novel Chapter 110

'If I set out after Kim arrives, I won't be able to make it,' Kerr thought.

"I'm leaving now. Tell Kim and his men to follow after me as soon as they arrive."

Kerr got in the driver's seat and gunned the engine.

"But Mr. Gu..."

As Kerr's car slowly disappeared into the night, a raindrop fell from the sky. There was a hint of worry in Jared's eyes, but he had no choice.

He had to do what Kerr asked him to do, so he turned around and walked back into the hospital. As he made his way to Nicole's ward, he sent a message to Kim, telling him to follow after Kerr and protect him.

At the ward, Nicole sat on her bed.

The storm had come. Nicole watched the thick, angry raindrops pummel the glass window like little liquid shards. She could not see anything outside now but a blanket of rain.

Then, lightning flashed across the night sky, lighting everything up and cleaving the heavens in half. Roaring thunder followed suit.

Nicole hurriedly covered Jay's ears, worried that the wild storm would stir him awake, but the boy remained fast asleep. Nicole sighed with relief and gently stroked Jay's hair.

She tried her best to keep her mind off Kerr, but she was still so worried.

It felt like a lifetime had passed, but Nicole still could not fall asleep. She quietly slipped out of bed, took out a coat from the wardrobe, and walked out of the ward.

"Director Ning, why are you still up?"

Jared had been guarding Nicole's door as per Kerr's orders. He was surprised to see her walking about at this late hour.

"I can't sleep, Mr. Kang. You must know where Kerr is. What happened? Is there anything wrong?"

Nicole looked into Jared's eyes and was convinced she was right.

Jared hesitated under Nicole's stern gaze. Although Kerr did not ask him to keep his whereabouts a secret before he left, he knew that Kerr would not want Nicole to get involved.

"Nothing's wrong, Director Ning. It's just work. Please go to bed."

Right on cue, Jared's phone rang. He excused himself and answered the call.


where are you?"

Hearing Kim's words, Jared frowned and grew nervous.

"What do you mean you can't find him? How come? You have to locate Mr. Gu immediately."

The line went dead after that. When Jared dialed again, no one picked up.

"Who can't be found? Is it Kerr?"

Nicole had not heard the entire conversation, but she could guess what it was about.

"No, it's not."

Jared tried to hide his emotions.

Nicole took out her phone and tried calling Kerr, but she could not reach him. She dialed several times, but the line was busy.


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