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The Reunion After Seven Years novel Chapter 118

Kerr deliberately trailed off to tease Nicole.

"And what? Are you trying to have a wife and a lot of mistresses?"

Nicole tightened her grip on Kerr's ear, threatening him. Her eyes glistened with anger.

She could tell that Sunny loved Kerr, but she did not know that they had already been engaged. She felt cheated, and her resolve began to shake.

"I would've married her if you hadn't shown up. Even if I had, it wouldn't have mattered that much because it would've been a marriage between two businesses and not at all based on love.

It's to forge an alliance between the Gu Group and the He Group. I never agreed to it, and I can't care less about it now. I want my wife to be somebody I love,"

Kerr explained to Nicole firmly.

He wanted to give Nicole a strong sense of security, and he cared about who he married now because of her.

Grandpa Cheng once told him that when he really fell in love with a woman, he would want her to be his own. He would want her to be happy and at peace. Most of all, he would want to marry her for love, not for some business deal.

At that time, Kerr did not understand how Grandpa Cheng felt. Now, he understood why Grandpa Cheng was willing to give up everything just to be with Grandma Cheng.

"Really? Kerr, I can't share you with another woman. That's my condition. I hope you understand."

Nicole was a stubborn woman. Once she made up her mind, nothing could ever change it. What was hers was hers.

"I understand. I meant what I said. I just hope I can win your trust before we leave here."

Kerr had already talked with the Gu family about the dissolution of his engagement to Sunny. He could not afford restrictions in the future. He did not want an incident like last time to affect his relationship with Nicole.

"I trust you."

Nicole should. After all, Kerr had risked everything to save her and Jay.

"Are you going to elope and leave me behind?"

Jay had quietly entered the room and found Kerr and Nicole talking.

When he woke up, Kerr and Nicole were not there, so he slipped out of bed and looked for them. He caught the last part of Kerr and Nicole's conversation.

"Hello, dear. Have you come here alone?"

Nicole slightly pushed Kerr away and motioned for Jay to come closer.

"If I hadn't come here, would you have left?"

There was a tinge of sadness in Jay's tone, and he looked at Nicole with his big eyes.

Kerr stood up and walked toward the boy. He bent down, hugged him, and took him to Nicole.

"You will change your surname to Gu."

Kerr would never ask Nicole to leave Jay for him. He loved Nicole enough to love Jay like he was his own son.

"Why? You want to be my father? Or do you just want to take Mommy away from me?"

Jay raised his head and seriously looked at Kerr, gripping his shirt with his small hand.

"We're a family now."

With Nicole and Jay next to him, Kerr finally understood the meaning of family. He would have a warm family from now on and would never feel lonely again.

"I... I'll call you Daddy when you marry Mommy."

Jay had already called Kerr Daddy, but only he knew about it.


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