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The Reunion After Seven Years novel Chapter 12

"No, it was prepared by my son."

The moment these words came out of her mouth, she felt like biting her tongue. She instantly regretted what she said. She shouldn't have mentioned Jay. There was no reason for her to bring him up. If Kerr got curious about him, she would have a hard time.

Her words took Kerr by surprise, but he remained silent. She looked cute when she was frightened.

"What are you waiting for? Don't you want to eat more?"

Nicole felt like a criminal waiting for her final judgment. Kerr took the sandwich and looked at it with curiosity, before returning it to the table. When he encouraged her to eat it, she breathed a sigh of relief. In response to his question, she promptly waved her hand.

"I really appreciate it, but I'm already full," Nicole replied as if nothing happened.

Kerr nodded his head to dismiss her. She coolly grabbed the folder on top of his desk and then walked out of the room.

Just when she was about to close the door, she heard Kerr's voice from behind her.

"The next time you have food in the office, remember to destroy the evidence."

Unable to understand the reference, she obliviously walked out of his office.

Outside, she caught a glimpse of Jared standing by the door. He was looking at her sympathetically.

"How did he find out, Mr. Jared?" Nicole furrowed her eyebrows in a puzzled manner.

Earlier, she was caught in the act by Jared who suddenly entered her office when she was having breakfast. She managed to silence him but she never expected for Kerr to discover what she did.

Jared simply pointed at her mouth.

"If you don't wipe the food off your mouth, everyone in the company will know about it." He stifled a laugh.

He wanted to tell her earlier, but she didn’t give him a chance.

On hearing this, Nicole felt embarrassed and curiously wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She saw a small piece of lettuce leaf. She suddenly understood the reference Kerr had made earlier and thus, left awkwardly.

Meanwhile, Kerr was looking at the sandwich in the box. He couldn't resist himself from having a taste, so he picked it up and took a big bite. The taste surprised him. It looked and tasted good that no one would think that it was prepared by a young child. For a moment he also got curious about the son Nicole was talking about.


The moment he heard Kerr, Jared attentively walked in.

"Prepare some breakfast and send it to Nicole. You know what to do."

Jared understood what he meant by looking at Kerr’s expression. He nodded and left quickly.

Strangely, Kerr was having mixed emotions. It was rare for him to feel confused. He always knew what to do, and his indecisiveness now astonished him. Was the world coming to an end?

Having eaten Nicole's sandwich, he naturally wanted to return the favor by treating her to breakfast.

He didn't like being indebted to others.

Kerr had not yet discovered that he actually owed a lot to Nicole. By the time he did, it was too late.

Jared returned shortly after giving the breakfast to Nicole. He did not notice that Kerr had already finished eating the whole sandwich.

"Keep an eye on Gregory Song of the Song Group. Find out what he had to do with Nicole Ning seven years ago. Furthermore, investigate if a woman named Fiona Zhao was involved," Karr said.

It seemed like the three of them were hiding something. Last night, when they mentioned a topic from seven years ago, Kerr naturally recalled that unforgettable night.

He opened the first drawer on the left side of his desk. Inside the drawer, laid an envelope. Kerr picked it up, opened it and counted the money inside. It was 2462 dollars. Was this his commission? He got lost in his thoughts.

After he put the envelope back into the drawer, Kerr unconsciously glanced at the calendar on his desk. Today was Friday, and tomorrow would be a weekend and the start of another month. It suddenly dawned on him that June 1 was Children's Day. He called Jared to his office immediately.

"Inform the Personnel Division to get tickets for the Gu's Amusement Park. Each staff who has a child will get two tickets," Kerr ordered Jared.


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