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The Reunion After Seven Years novel Chapter 193

"Thank you for your blessing. I know what to do, and I will cherish my beloved wife," Baron said while deeply thinking that if saying these words could make Nicole feel at ease, then he was more than willing to say such words even against his will.

On the other hand, Maggie couldn't explain how exactly she felt the moment she heard Baron speak. Her heart was singing in joy. For her, it was the sweetest oath in the world.

Soon the wedding ceremony began, and the newly married couple was at the center of the stage. Silently, Nicole stood below the stage as she fixed her gaze towards Baron and Maggie. She could discern that although they were not so sweet, she still believed that they would be happy with such a new start in their life.

Unknowingly, her mind drifted away. Nicole fell into thinking as to when Kerr would give her such a wedding. Her heart kept telling her that it didn't need to be grand, as long as they had each other. Besides, every woman dreamt of marriage, and she was no exception.

Long before she met Kerr in her life, she assumed that she would never get married. But she realized it all wrong when she found out that Kerr was the biological father of Jay. And now, she fell in love with him, truly and madly!

Suddenly snapping back to her senses, Nicole couldn’t believe that she began to look forward to her own wedding.

On the stage, Baron was standing and looking at Maggie without any expression on his face. No one knew how much he hoped that the person standing opposite him could be Nicole, but he also knew that it was next to impossible.

"Mr. Baron Fang, would you like to take Miss Maggie Chen as your wife and to take care of her till the end of your life?"

The host glanced at him, and with a smile, asked Baron the vows that he would make at the wedding.

The host, however, didn't receive a response. It seemed that Baron didn't hear the question at all as his eyes kept darting towards Nicole, who was standing alone below the stage.

"Miss Ning, you shouldn't be here," Mrs. Fang suddenly approached Nicole and addressed her while she was watching Baron on the stage.

Nicole was stunned, and it rendered her immobile for a moment before she slowly understood what Mrs. Fang had blurted out. Unconsciously, it seemed that everyone's eyes turned to fix on her. They apparently noticed how Baron kept throwing glances in her direction.

It was such an uncomfortable moment. The host coughed awkwardly, standing on the stage.

Sensing the awkwardness of the moment, Maggie showed a panic expression on her face as she regarded Baron. God knew how deathly afraid she was that Baron would leave her and eventually walked towards Nicole. So she discreetly took a step forward, and secretly reached out her hand.

With the bunch of flowers in her hands, Maggie blocked the sight of others. Then she cautiously held one of Baron's hands and pleadingly whispered to him with obvious pity in her eyes, "Baron, you can't embarrass me."

Nicole gingerly looked around and noticed everyone was looking at her strangely. Smiling bitterly, she now fully grasped why she was not on Baron's invitation.

Without another word, she turned around and lowered her head, quickening her pace towards the door of the banquet hall. It turned out that she had become an unexpected guest in everyone's eyes when all she just wanted was to send her best wishes as a friend.

What was worst was that everyone also thought that her appearance was nothing but a mere provocation. Nicole could only endure until she reached the door of the banquet hall, then she distinctly heard Baron say, "I do."

It appeared that her presence seemed to have shaken Baron's determination to be with Maggie again. Perhaps, if she hadn't shown up, Baron would not embarrass Maggie in front of all their friends and relatives.

Nicole sighed inwardly, thinking that maybe her decision to attend the wedding was indeed a mistake.


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