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The Reunion After Seven Years novel Chapter 202

Nicole gave Kerr a gentle kiss on the cheek, snuggled into his arms and closed her eyes.

Kerr gazed at the woman and the little boy beside him, trying his best to stifle his desire. Stretching his hand out, he touched Jay lightly on the nose. Then he tightened his arms around Nicole and fell sound asleep.

Having a wife and son gave Kerr a deep feeling of satisfaction.

His night in particular was filled with peace and happiness.

The next day dawned, and Nicole smiled softly to herself as she fixed Kerr's tie for him.

"Do you ever think about the shares your mother holds?" Nicole didn't want to put too much pressure on Kerr, but this seemed the quickest way to solve the problem. After all, he deserved those shares.

Kerr looked at Nicole, his eyes soft with emotion.

"I won't let the Gu Group fall into anyone else's hands without those shares. Have faith in your lover, Nicole. Stay at home and wait for me. When I've finished work, I'll come back to you as soon as I possibly can."

Actually, Kerr longed to stay with her all the time, but the company needed him to handle its affairs. And he worried that, if he took Nicole with him to the office, it would be too stressful for her.

His only choice was to let her stay at home.

She looked at him and nodded. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine."

She knew what Kerr's concerns were, of course. But she also knew that he had a lot to deal with at Gu Group, and she would be understanding and considerate.

After breakfast, Kerr gave Nicole a kiss on her forehead and left the villa.

Jay watched Kerr's retreating figure from the doorway, his eyes clearly sparkling with happiness. He walked over to his mom and flung his arms around her. Finally, she was all his!

"Mommy, can I go with you to Grandpa's house?" The boy knew that Kerr had transferred the deeds to the Ning family property over to Nicole.

This was Kerr's place and while he was out, Jay wanted to leave with Nicole. Even though he was sure Kerr would find them, he wanted to make the man worry first.

Nicole was stunned at Jay's words. "How did you know about your grandpa's house? I've never told you about that."

She'd had her suspicions about Jay, though. She hadn't had enough time for him during all the recent upheaval, and when things calmed down she realized that things hadn't been right ever since her business trip with Kerr.

Back then, Jay hadn't shown disapproval of her trip with Kerr. It made Nicole feel suspicious.

Jay looked at his mom's questioning eyes and raised one small hand to cover his mouth. He realized he'd totally spilled the beans!

"Oh, nothing, Mommy. I'm going to read some of my books now."

There was no way he wanted to answer his mom's questions. He turned to run upstairs, but before he could get very far, Nicole stopped him in his tracks.

"Get back here, Jay! I need to ask you something. Don't run away from me!"

Nicole's heart sank. How could she not have known that Jay was keeping secrets from her? It was hurtful and worrying at the same time. Had she really been neglecting Jay so much recently?

Walking up to Jay, she wished she could scoop him up into her arms. But the way things were, she didn't think she'd have the strength to hold him for long. Jay had gotten taller, and Nicole was pregnant. It would be difficult to carry him.


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