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The Reunion After Seven Years novel Chapter 216

Last time, because Nicole found out Sunny's trick in time, she was able to be right beside Kerr after he drank the drugged wine. But this time, she was not with Kerr, and although he was back home, it was still difficult for her to be sure that he did not have sex with Sunny.

"Kerr, I really don't want to believe what Sunny said, but if you really didn't do anything, how could she have said it so affirmatively?"

She couldn't help but have some doubts in her heart.

Upon hearing Nicole's accusation, Kerr sighed and tried to hold her hand, but she immediately avoided his grasp. Even so, he refused to give up.

He stretched out his arm and pulled Nicole into a hug. No matter how hard she struggled, he did not let her go, and just gently stroked her long hair.

"I know you may be lacking a sense of security now that you're pregnant, but Nicole, I want you to believe me when I say that you are the only one I want no matter what happens or who is against us.

You're the one I want to be with. You don't need to worry about me. I want you and your baby, so I would never touch another woman.

I know I made a big mistake when I drank the wine that Sunny gave me. I should not have done that. Don't worry. I will never do that again."

Kerr knew exactly what was on Nicole's mind, so he knew what she was worried about.

Kerr's words and the soothing sound of his voice calmed her down. In hindsight, she had always been very uneasy.

Because even though she was with Kerr now, there were too many obstacles lying around. And now that she was pregnant, she had become even more uneasy. She hid all of these worries in her heart.

She did not want to put too much pressure on Kerr, so she chose to bear it all in silence. If he really betrayed her at this time, she really wouldn't be able to accept it.

"Kerr, if you really marry someone else, I will wear a wedding dress to snatch you from your new woman and ruin your wedding ceremony, then I will abandon you as well."

There was an obvious harshness in her tone.

In her heart, she knew that if that day ever came, she might not actually go and ruin his wedding, but she would definitely vanish from his world completely, and he would never find her again for the rest of his life.

When Kerr heard that, a faint smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. "You are the only one I want to marry. I won't let that happen. But if it does happen, you must come to me.

As long as you show up, I will take you away to a place where there is only the two of us."

He made a promise to Nicole.

Nicole pushed him away and glared at him. "If that day ever comes, I will leave with your children and let them find someone else to call daddy."

After saying that, she turned around and walked into the lounge. Maybe because she was pregnant, she would always feel tired, so she wanted to have a rest.

Kerr immediately followed Nicole, but she shut the door behind her mercilessly.

"Nicole, let me keep you company, okay?" He gently knocked on the door, but she gave him no response at all.


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