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The Reunion After Seven Years novel Chapter 219

Her knowledge of Kerr's soft spot for the baby in her belly was something she could not forget, and Nicole decided to use that fact to her advantage.

He burst into laughter upon hearing the threat. His lover's stubbornness proved to be prevalent this evening. He decided to enter the room using the adjacent balcony of the one beside his.

"But don't you think our baby also wants her daddy to be with her? I'm certain that's what she's telling you now." He easily leapt from one balcony to his while talking to Nicole on the phone, amused with the lengths he had to go through to enter his own room.

"Not at all, the baby said she feels warm and comfortable enough in my belly and doesn't need her daddy. She told me that it's better for Mommy to rest as early as possible. So, Mr. Gu, I must listen to my baby and drop this call."

Fortunately, she was carrying her baby. That was why she could talk with Kerr without scruple.

As soon as Nicole hung up the phone, she heard some noise from the balcony. She couldn't help but frown. With caution, she walked to it and parted the curtain in front of her. Suddenly, a black figure appeared and was making its way to the entrance to the room.

"Ah!" She shut her eyes in fear, and simultaneously screamed in horror.

"Nicole, it's just me. Don't be afraid." Kerr immediately outstretched his hands to hold Nicole in his arms and rubbed circles on her back to comfort her.

He didn't expect that she would find him out there. He didn’t want to scare her.

"Kerr! You bastard!" When she heard the familiar voice, she heart slowly calmed down. In annoyance, she began to thump on Kerr's chest as punishment for the sudden fright.

"It's alright, it's alright. It's my fault. Are you feeling uncomfortable?" He examined her carefully. Her scream made it easy to derive the level panic she went through.

Nicole put her hand on her stomach and slightly bent down, "Ow, my stomach hurts."

Her voice was feeble and she didn't look at Kerr.

As soon as he heard the words from her lips, horror filled his thoughts and Kerr immediately reached out his hands without hesitation and lifted her to his arms. "Don't be worry. It will be fine. I'll take you to the hospital."

There was a serious expression on his face and it remained stoic though his mind was playing alarming scenarios deep inside.

"I'm kidding. I'm fine."

Nicole suddenly turned her head up and plastered a playful look for Kerr.

Kerr stopped and frowned, not amused at the joke she tried to pull off.

He couldn't help but get angry and his face darkened in result.

"Are you that upset with me? I wasn't joking completely. Just now, you really did scare me. If I was not strong enough, our baby would be in trouble." She crossed her arms in anger.

She just wanted to give Kerr a scare. She didn't expect that he would be so worried.

When he saw how Nicole looked pained, but was apparently just taking advantage of the situation to elicit a reaction from him, he was angry and yet, he felt helpless. "You can make jokes about everything else in the future, but this matter is off limits. If anything happens to you and our baby, I won't forgive myself."

The gravity of his words was evident in his tone. This was no laughing matter. For him, nothing was more important than Nicole and the baby, he vowed to protect them at all cost, so he was angry that she was trying to frighten him that way.

Taking a mental note on how he reacted, she reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I know. Don't worry. This is our baby. I won't let anyone hurt her."


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