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The Reunion After Seven Years novel Chapter 251

"Ah!" Maggie screamed. As soon as Baron released Maggie's hand, she felt herself falling and went straight towards the direction of the tea table.

Bang! A sound of falling and breaking could be heard, making Baron frozen in place. He watched as everything happened so fast before his eyes. The tea table was now broken into pieces, and there was Maggie, lying in the middle of the debris. Blood was now flowing out from her body from the impact.

"Ma... Maggie!" Baron stammered in shock. Seeing the unconscious woman lying on a pool of blood in front of him, he could not help but gasp with eyes wide open. For a moment, he felt paralyzed in shock and stood there in fear.

His mother heard the noise of falling and breaking, so she was suddenly alarmed and immediately ran downstairs to assess the situation. "What happened?" she asked as she hurried down the flight of stairs.

As soon as she saw the bloody scene in front of her, Mrs. Fang gasped in shock and shouted at Baron, who was still frozen in place. "Why are you still standing there, Baron? Take her to the hospital right now!"

It was then when he heard his mother's alarmed voice that Baron finally came to his senses. He shook his head to wake himself up from shock and immediately moved towards Maggie's body to carry her and took her out of the villa and into his car.

After settling Maggie on the back seat with the help of his mother, Baron hurriedly took the driver's seat and started the ignition. The nearest hospital from the Fang family's villa was the Gu Group's hospital. Baron gripped the steering wheel tightly and gave Maggie a quick glance from his rear view mirror. Seeing the blood now covering Maggie's body made him worry even more, and so without hesitation he drove in anxiety. His hands trembled as he drove and did not dare look at Maggie again, or he might faint in worry.

It was not until Baron had finally come to a stop in front of the double doors of the emergency room did he feel slightly relieved. He called for help from the medical staff and helped them gently place Maggie on to a wheeled stretcher.

Meanwhile, Harley passed by the door of the emergency room when he saw Baron, completely covered in blood. He stopped and walked towards him. "What happened? What are you doing here, and whose blood is that?" Harley asked. In fact, he knew and recognized Baron.

Back then, Kerr used to feel so jealous of Baron.

However, they both had their own families now, so whatever tension they had in the past were all left behind in the past.

"Mr. Su. What a coincidence," Baron turned to face Harley and answered in a low and distant voice.

As a matter of fact, Baron knew that Harley was Kerr's friend, so it was not entirely a coincidence to meet him here. However, knowing about Maggie's situation made him care less of whom he was going to meet around here, whether or not that person was a friend or foe.

Being treated coldly, Harley just shrugged and ignored Baron's attitude towards him. Without another word, he went into the emergency room, and after a careful inquiry of the patient's situation, he then walked out.

Seeing that Baron was still distant, Harley left the emergency room without another word or greeting to Baron, who on the other hand could not care less. He shrugged at himself and walked towards Nicole's ward.

As Harley pushed the door open, he immediately walked towards Nicole and passed a box of prescribed medicine to her. "You have to take one in the morning and one at night, and you have to take it after eating. There's a note inside the box anyway, if you forget." Nicole nodded and took a quick glance of the box before handing the box casually to Kerr.

Harley waited for either of them to ask any more questions about the medicine, and when they had none, with a gloating look on his face, he asked, "Guess who I just saw in the hospital?"

Their curiosity was aroused by his sudden question.

Jay raised his hand as if he was in class and said, "I know! I know! Pick me!" Harley smiled at Jay, and when Harley acknowledged the child, Jay answered, "You saw a patient."

Nicole stifled a laughter and stopped herself from bursting out. Her lips then curled into a smile after she realized how lovely the answer of her child was. After all, it was a fact that she did give birth to a smart baby. Although he did not inherit Nicole's personality, Jay was still as clever as Kerr.

Harley did not know whether to laugh or be angry at that answer, so he just rolled his eyes playfully at Jay and gave Kerr a meaningful look.

However, Kerr chose not to say anything and even pretended to ignore it as he walked over to the water fountain to grab a cup of water. He then walked back to them, giving Nicole the cup of warm water so she would be able to swallow the medicine.

Harley crossed his arms and gave another hint. "Well, it is, indeed, a patient, seeing that we are in a hospital. However, there is something special about this patient." Waiting, Harley stared at the three of them. Kerr was still focused on helping Nicole take her medicine. Jay looked like he was thinking and then raised his hand again to answer, while Nicole stared at her child in amusement. When no one was taking his guessing game seriously, Harley sighed and revealed. "The patient is Maggie Chen, Baron's wife."

As Harley expected, Nicole's full attention was now on Harley at the mention of Baron's name. She was surprised for she hadn't heard that name for a long while now. With curiosity, she asked Harley, "Maggie Chen? Isn't she pregnant and taking a rest at home? What happened?" As far as Nicole knew, Baron married Maggie, because she got pregnant.


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