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The Reunion After Seven Years novel Chapter 268

"Pardon me, Miss Xue, but I believe that you better save yourself for a better man. I am already married and faithful to my wife. Loyalty and trust are the foundations of marriage."

As soon as he said these words, Kerr removed her hand off of him and walked outside without waiting for her reply.

As she watched Kerr's retreating figure, Lisa's face immediately dropped, and the smile that was once there faded away. She felt relieved, but the calmness on her face disappeared as well. She held her hand that touched Kerr and felt her palm covered with cold sweat.

"Miss Xue." A man dressed in formal black coat interrupted her thoughts. This man was Lisa's butler. Holding a coat, he came out from the corner, walked towards Lisa, and bowed respectfully at her.

"Were you able to take pictures?" Lisa asked. Then, she took the coat from her butler and put it on. For her, this was the first time she ever wore such seducing and revealing clothes, so she felt a little uncomfortable. Even more now that the very man she wore it for left her.

The butler stood straight and replied, "Yes, Miss. I also have sent them to Master."

Lisa nodded and sighed. "I hope those pictures will work." Then the butler took this as his cue to leave. Lisa stayed on her place and thought about Kerr again. She really appreciated how he behaved and acted around her.

Even though she really made an effort into looking attractive, Kerr still did not lay his eyes on her and mentioned Nicole all the time in their conversation with bright eyes. Other men would have succumbed to the temptation but not Kerr. He was able to resist, or that he just really found Nicole the only woman attractive in his eyes.

Meanwhile, back in the hotel, Harley finally made her mother stop talking on the phone. His mother just gave out a long speech, and he was already getting annoyed. As soon as he hung up, he walked out of his room and knocked on the door of Jay's room. However, after a few more knocks, there wasn't any sound or reply coming from the room.

Harley began to feel strange and concerned, so he asked Kim to get him the spare key. When they were able to open the door, they found that the room was empty.

Starting to panic, Harley turned around and moved towards Nicole's room. He knocked but there wasn't any reply as well. He opened to the door to find the room empty as well.

With frightening thoughts in his mind, Harley could not help but become a little anxious. He then turned to Kim and said, "Let's look for them separately. You go look for them around the hotel first, and I will look by the beach." As soon as Kim nodded in understanding, Harley set foot and headed towards the beach.

After almost searching every possible place that Nicole and Jay could be, Harley still hadn't caught sight either of them, so he knew it was time to inform Kerr.

Walking out of the restaurant, Kerr heard his phone ringing inside his pocket. He stopped when he saw Harley's name on the screen and immediately accepted the call. "What's the matter?" he asked.

Feeling guilty for not being able to keep an eye on either of them as promised, Harley hesitated for a moment and scratched the back of his head. When Kerr asked again, Harley replied, "Nicole and Jay are missing. I searched every possible place in the hotel, but they were still nowhere to be found. Then, Kim and I looked at the surveillance video and saw that both of them got inside a car.

It looked like they got on the car themselves and without force, but it was quite hard to see who had taken them away. The video wasn't that clear, so I was wondering if it was Kelvin."

After all, Nicole and Jay never knew anyone else in this place except for people from the Gu family, so Harley couldn't really figure out where Nicole would go and who would have invited them.

Anxiety started to build up inside of Kerr as soon as he heard Harley's news. He held a hand to cover his phone's microphone and turned to Jared, who was standing beside him. "Did Kelvin call you?" he asked.

Jared shook his head in confusion, which made Kerr frown. Kerr then took his hand away on the phone to talk to Harley again.

"No, it can't be Kelvin. If it was any of the Gu family, he or she would have informed me about taking Nicole and Jay, so keep looking for them. Even if you and I have to turn the whole D Island upside down, we should not stop and find them,"

Kerr said in a firm and determined tone.

Then, he hung up the phone after Harley said he would inform Kerr as soon as he had any more information about Nicole and Jay. Without wasting any more time, Kerr got into the car, and Jared drove him away to find them. Kerr was going to do anything and was determined not to lose Nicole that easy.


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