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The Reunion After Seven Years novel Chapter 283

The door opened, and with black sunglasses perched on her nose, a woman, who wore a dark casual outfit, stepped out of the car. She stood in front of Nicole with a cold aura.

Nicole eyed the woman intently and asked, "Maggie Chen?" Even with the sunglasses and how much different Maggie looked like now, Nicole could still recognize her.

However, when Nicole noticed how flat Maggie's belly was, she frowned slightly and remembered what Harley had said in the hospital.

Maggie removed her sunglasses and hung it on her shirt before she said, "Long time no see, Nicole. Or, should I call you Mrs. Gu? Oh, wait. How could I forget? The woman Mr. Gu married is Sunny He, so how could his wife be someone as cunning as you?"

With a sly smile on her face, Maggie walked towards Nicole. Her words were full of scorn for Nicole, and she did not even bother mincing her words.

Kerr's forehead creased into a frown when he heard what Maggie said. He gestured at Jared, who was standing beside him.

Nodding in understanding, Jared walked towards Maggie and raised a hand to stop her. "Excuse me, Miss Chen, but you can't go any closer."

Kerr had already oriented Jared about these situations. That was why without a word, Jared knew what had to be done and made sure that no dangerous person would be able to get close to Nicole, especially then that she was also bearing another life.

As for Nicole, she just narrowed her eyes at Maggie and asked in confusion, "Tell me, Miss Chen. Why are you here?" Even though Maggie gave her insults and mean remarks, Nicole still did not feel annoyed.

Moreover, Nicole could choose to ignore her, but she knew better and kept her calm. After all, Maggie was now Baron's wife, so she should show some respect and humility.

"Well, you see, Baron had been investigating about the Ning family before, and with his help, I found out something that I thought you must be interested in. Hence, I am here to talk with you about it," Maggie replied casually.

She then glanced at Jared, who was still blocking her from going near Nicole. Knowing now that they were here with her made her realize that it was going to be difficult for her to approach Nicole, so she had to think of ways to get closer to Nicole.

Nicole looked at Maggie seriously, wondering why Maggie was suddenly interested in what had happened to the Ning family. Even with her suspicions on Maggie, Nicole still thought that it was reasonable for Maggie to know something about it. After all, Baron was Maggie's husband, and he had placed a lot of efforts on this matter to help Nicole.

Feeling like what Maggie was about to say was important, Nicole turned to look at Kerr and said, "I'll talk with her." She let go of Kerr's hand and walked towards Maggie, but Kerr grabbed her wrist and said,

"I will stay with you." Deep inside, Kerr felt that Maggie must have some ulterior motives as to why she wanted to see Nicole, since Maggie looked like she couldn't wait to come here. Moreover, when they were in D Island, Kerr had received the news that Baron and Maggie had divorced.

However, he did not tell Nicole then, and perhaps, she was the only one who didn't know about it now.

Nicole knew that Kerr was just worried, so she nodded at him. Then she stood in front of Maggie and asked with a slight smile on her face. "So, Maggie, why did you come here in such a hurry? Is it that urgent, and why isn't Baron with you?"

Nicole looked back to the car and saw that no one was coming out of it. She was just sincerely concerned, but to Maggie's ears, it sounded like Nicole was showing off.

Maggie lowered her head and fixed her eyes on Nicole's big belly. This reminded her of the baby she once bore and lost because of an accident, which made her feel sad and angry again.

Without looking suspicious, she placed her hands behind her back casually and answered, "Well, Baron has been busy with his work lately. Anyway, enough of that, look how big your baby really is, Nicole." There was an obvious tinge of jealousy and coldness in Maggie's voice, and anyone who was looking at her suspiciously could hear that.

However, Nicole didn't find anything unusual from Maggie's tone, so she smiled at her before she touched her belly and said, "Ah, yes. I will be giving birth soon." Then she looked at Maggie with a tinge of worry and asked tentatively, "So, are you okay? Have you...recovered?"


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