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The Reunion After Seven Years novel Chapter 34

When Jay read Kerr's message, he immediately turned around and saw a black Porsche following him. With a beaming smile on his face, he sat back silently.

"Jay? Are you okay? Were you too exhausted to go to school today? Why are you so quiet today?"

Nicole turned back and kept her eyes fixated on Jay who still remained silent in the back seat.

Although Jay wasn't of the talkative kind, it was still quite strange to her that he didn't utter a word when she mentioned Kerr just a while ago.

"No, Mommy, don't worry about me. I can adapt. Although I'm the youngest kid in my class, I don't feel inferior to any of them!"

Jay looked up at Nicole with an innocent and happy smile.

"That's great to hear, Jay."

When she saw the energetic smile on Jay's face, she was surprised.

During her days in Manhattan, she had arrived at the conclusion that Jay was much more mature than other children of his age and was even more prudent than them in various circumstances. During several occasions, she used to treat him like a grown-up man. She had almost neglected the fact that he was only six years old.

However, ever since they returned to the country, she had noticed that Jay was becoming more like a normal kid.

She was aware of how Jay relied on Kerr and how he slowly transformed to become less and less mature after having met Kerr. It seemed as if everything was going in a way she had anticipated.

But the fact was that the change of Jay's personality was because of Kerr, which made Nicole worried and hesitant. She knew that if she rashly took her son away from Kerr, the boy would be unhappy.

"You may please get off the car now,"

Baron looked at Nicole thoughtfully and requested gently. A set of cautious eyes could have detected a slight sense of concern from his face.

His intuition told him that Nicole's silence had to be attributed to Kerr. Although she had just returned to the country, he had already figured that Kerr had gradually become a significant part of her life.

When he was about to open the door, he noticed from the rear-view mirror that a black Porsche was approaching them from behind. The car stopped right behind them ominously. None got off the car.

However, the exclusive logo of Gu family on the plate was more than enough for him to recognize the owner of the car within a fraction of a second.

"I've already made a reservation. Nicole, take Jay with you. I had forgotten about a call that I had to make. I just remembered it now."

He turned around and looked at Nicole with a tender look in his eyes.

"Okay, we'll wait for you inside. Please join us once you're done."

After hearing what Baron said, Nicole took Jay out of the car and headed straight for the restaurant.

It was not until he saw Nicole and Jay enter the restaurant that Baron opened the door and got out of the car. However, he stood still right by the car without budging an inch.

He was waiting for Kerr as the car that followed him until here definitely belonged to Kerr. He believed that Kerr must be in the car. If he hadn't been worrying about Nicole just now, he would have been able to notice Kerr's car tailing behind them much earlier.

After a while, the driver's door of the black Porsche was quickly pushed open from the inside. Jared walked out and opened the door for Kerr.

A pair of black leather shoes, which was in good quality, landed steadily on the ground at the outset. The black suit yelled its superiority due to its exclusively custom-made style.

Caressing the cuffs of his left hand, Kerr stood in front of Baron with a cold face.

But he didn't look at Baron, he just looked at the entrance of the restaurant and walked steadily towards the door.


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