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The Reunion After Seven Years novel Chapter 441

"You are beautiful even without makeup." Kerr looked at the blush on Nicole's face.

He smiled with satisfaction.

In the study on the second floor.

Standing in front of the French window, Jay looked at Kerr and Nicole's receding figures, with a faint sense of relief on his face. Perhaps he should accept the reality. Nicole was indeed very happy with Kerr now.

He could leave at ease.

He turned around and walked to Lucas's room. Looking at him in the crib, Jay said, "No one will take Mommy away from you in the future. Remember to be good. Don't make Mommy too tired, okay?"

Jay's voice was very low, and he exhorted Lucas like an adult, even though the latter had been sleeping with his eyes closed.

Lucas, who had always been quiet, suddenly opened his eyes when he heard Jay's words. Normally, no one could make Lucas open his eyes except for Nicole.

It was the first time that Jay had seen such bright eyes of Lucas.

Jay felt very angry. When their eyes met, Jay felt the smile in Lucas's eyes. Subconsciously, he reached out his hand to Lucas, trying to touch his little face.

But before his fingers touched Lucas, the later raised his hand and held Jay's fingers, as if telling him that he had heard what Jay had just said.

"Can you understand me?" Jay asked curiously. Although the little guy could not speak and his fingers were so soft, Jay could feel Lucas's strong desire for life.

"I'm relieved to have you by my side. I don't know if you can remember me when I come back. Perhaps you don't remember me, but I won't forget you."

Jay knew that he wouldn't leave for a day or two. Maybe by the time he came back, Lucas would be as old as he was now.

Seeing Jay's mouth open and close, Lucas just opened his eyes wide and looked at Jay seriously.

On the road.

Sitting next to Kerr, Nicole thought of the two children at home and felt helpless. "We are probably the most irresponsible parents in the world, aren't we? The child is still at home. Is it really appropriate for us to run out like this."

She knew that neither Jay nor Lucas would blame her, but she still felt a little sorry, as if sometimes she had forgotten that she was the mother of two children.

She was too willful.

"Nicole, you have to understand that although we gave them lives, we can't interfere in their lives. They are our children and we have responsibilities for them.

But it doesn't mean that we have to put all our lives on them. One day they will rely on themselves, and we can't be with them forever.

So we have to make them adapt it as soon as possible. We should also have our own lives." Kerr said calmly.


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