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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn) novel Chapter 12

The leisurely evening breeze stirred outside the window, rousing Madelyn from her slumber as it rushed in, bringing with it the sound of hurried footsteps echoing through the hallway. She blinked several times, her eyesight blurry with sleep, noticing that darkness had already swallowed the sky outside her window. With Jadie’s incessant apologies echoing around her, she found her sleepiness vanishing like smoke in the wind. Madelyn stepped barefoot onto the cold floor, making her way to the door, not yet fully aware of what had transpired. Squinting against the dim light, she saw a familiar figure standing at the doorway, which took her by surprise. 

“Bro, have you finished your work for the day?” she asked. 

Zach had returned an hour before she had fallen asleep, even taking Jadie for a stroll at the mall. But upon returning, Zach had noticed something amiss in their room, specifically the teddy bear—her birthday gift to him. 

Jadie stood there, her eyes red-rimmed and pitiful. “Madelyn…” she began. 

Zach stepped in front of Jadie, his face a mask of composure, though his narrowed eyes held a hint of frost. “Madelyn, I’m sorry. I accidentally damaged the bear you gifted me. Jadie wasn’t aware. She thought it was something useless and threw it away.” 

Rosario also stepped forward. “It’s partially my fault as well. I didn’t inform Miss White in time.” 

Everyone awaited Madelyn’s tantrum, her wrath, her grand spectacle. But all Madelyn did was quirk an eyebrow, smiling with nonchalance. “Is that so? What a pity, that bear was a limited edition.” 

In this world, the one who cries gets the sweets. It was not her fault; if Jadie wept, and Madelyn did not forgive her, it would appear as if Madelyn herself was in the wrong. In her past life, she had detested Jadie—detested how she had ensnared Zach’s heart, detested her weak and tearful demeanor. In this life, her feelings had not changed, but she just did not care anymore. 

Zach stared at Madelyn, his expression chilling. He was about to say something when Madelyn cut him off. 

“If you liked it so much, I’ll get you another one for your birthday this year. That way, I won’t have to fret over choosing a gift,” she said. 

Jadie stepped up. “Madelyn, I’m truly sorry. I didn’t mean to.” 

Madelyn blinked, sweeping her gaze over Jadie’s face. “It’s just a small thing, and it wasn’t mine anyway. Even if it’s lost, there’s no need to apologize to me.” To divert the topic from the insignificant bear, she asked, “Rosario, is dinner ready? I’m quite hungry.” 

“It’s been ready for a while. I was about to call you,” Rosario replied. 

“I’ll just get dressed and come down for dinner,” Madelyn said, returning to her room. When she descended the stairs after changing, she noticed that their usual seats were empty. 


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