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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn) novel Chapter 19


Chapter 19 

Madelyn had not seen Zach’s messages. Right now, there was not a single part of her body that did not ache, the pain piercing to her very bones. Through the haze, she could vaguely make out the hum of voices around her

Lucky she was brought in when she was, or the outcome could have been unthinkable. Her fractured ribs have been reset. For the next few days, it’s best that she doesn’t leave the bed. A few days in hospital would be prudent” 

There was a moment of silence

Also, in terms of her diet, try to keep things light.” 

Alright, thank you, doctor.” 

As the doctor departed, the man in the suit’s phone started to ring. The bodyguard promptly answered, respectfully addressing the caller

How is she?The young voice from the other end was icy

The bodyguard relayed Madelyn’s condition in meticulous detail. That’s the situation, Miss Jent is out of danger now.” 

Find out who did this, quietly. Don’t alert anyone. In three days, bring me the culprit, whoever it is. They will pay

And how do you intend to handle this?” 

I’ll take care of it.” 


Once the call ended, Madelyn thought she heard Ethan’s voice. But after a moment, his voice faded again. Consciousness did not hold her for long, and she slipped back into unconsciousness. By the time Madelyn awoke again, three days had passed. Her injuries were severe. Several ribs broken, her wrist slashed, blood pooling around her, a severe blow to her head. When she was found, she was on the verge of shock. If she had not been discovered, she would have either died from the pain or bled to death

At 10.00 pm in the evening, Madelyn’s thoughts drifted. In her haze, she heard the sound of sobbing close by

My poor child” 

Madelyn’s fingers twitched, her initially blurry vision gradually cleared, and she uttered in a weak voice, RosarioIit hurts!” 

The pain felt like every organ in her body had been smashed, her bones seemed shattered, the pain was everywhere


Surprised and relieved, Rosario looked at the awakened figure on the bed, taking hold of Madelyn’s hand gently, careful not to squeeze too hard. Tears welled in her eyes as she said, Madelyn, just hold on a bit longer. I’ll call the doctor right away.” 

The anesthesia had worn off, and Madelyn was indeed awakened by the pain. Tears slipped from the corners of her eyes, mingling with her hair. Am I being too dramatic? Even back then with terminal cancer, the doctors had said I wouldn’t last a week, yet I toughed it out for 

three months.‘ 

The doctor arrived swiftly, giving Madelyn a thorough examination. Her wounds have been healing fairly well over these past few days. Try to keep her still as much as possible to avoid her wounds from reopening.” 

Alright. Can she eat now that she’s awake?” 

She can, but the food should be soft and light.” 

Thank you, doctor.” 

After changing Madelyn’s IV and leaving some instructions, the doctor left the room. Rosario, cautious not to disturb Madelyn unnecessarily, simply held her hand, gently brushing away

tear from her cheek

Madelyn, don’t be scared. I’m here with you.‘ 

Madelyn’s eyelashes were damp, her eyes welling up once again. This familiar pain took her back to her previous life, when she had been tortured by suffering and loneliness, even unto death. Having Rosario by her side now made her feel that she was no longer alone in this world. She felt a glimmer of warmth only when she was with Rosario

Your dad knows about your accident, and he’s rushing back. He’ll be here by tomorrow. Mr. Jardin hasn’t finished his shift yet, but as soon as he’s done, he’ll be here as soon as he can. While you were unconscious, Mr. Jardin stayed with you till late every night.” 


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