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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn) novel Chapter 197

Chapter 197 

Zach’s phone rang, and he stopped what he was doing. As soon as he took out his phone, the call cut off. He looked gloomy as he checked the missed call. 

At the police station, Madelyn immediately hung up the call that the policeman made. However, she did not know that the call had already been connected and rang for a few seconds on the man’s phone. 

Madelyn, “Officer, it was just a joke between me and my classmates. Look, nothing serious. happened to me! It’s so late now, so there’s no need to call my parents… 

“Just a joke? Would a joke between classmates end up with someone being injured by a knife?” The police officer looked at Madelyn’s bandaged hand, “If they hadn’t intervened in time, you’d have been in the hospital for emergency treatment now! This is a serious matter. We must call your parents to come and pick you up. 

“And the rest of you! Don’t think you guys are in the clear. You guys were just released not long ago, and now you’re all back here again.” 

A few people were standing in a row in the corner. The one with red hair and another with green hair were particularly eye-catching. A female hooligan with tattoos on her body wearing a leather jacket and pants was standing in the middle. She looked like she had been involved in illegal activities for a long time. 

These people were none other than the ones Madelyn knew in Portsmouth Fishing Village. She only knew one of them was called Alex. They were Forrest’s friends. 

“Considering you guys behaved well this time, you can leave.” 

The two with green hair and red hair nodded and bowed, “Yes, yes. Thank you, officer. We promise to behave well and help other people more often in the future.” 

The police officer responded, “If you really want to be good citizens, start by dyeing your colorful hair black. None of you look decent…” 


He then turned to Madelyn and said, “But you can’t leave. We need to call your parents. Otherwise, you’ll have to stay here.” 

Madelyn was injured. If they made a big deal out of it, Danny might actually end up in jail. 

What had happened was that after Madelyn had finished her piano lesson, she had suddenly felt like eating walnuts, so she went to buy some. While she was walking on the road, Danny appeared, suddenly rushing to her and grabbing her neck forcefully, trying to choke her to death. 

After that, she had been rescued by Alex and the others. Unexpectedly, Danny had even brought a knife with him. When he realized he would not win, he began threatening them with 

the knife. While he was distracted, Madelyn pushed Danny away, but the back of her hand had been cut by accident. 

Another person had been slashed in the stomach and was still in the hospital right now. 


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