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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn) novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74 

Ethan’s assistant entered the principal’s office and told them everything that had happened in the conference room, word for word. Everyone except for Madelyn was there. “…And that’s what happened, Mr. Arnold.” 

Ethan nodded, and his assistant stepped aside. Suddenly, the atmosphere became cold. The girls’ mothers sat on the couch, not daring to speak. Ethan’s aura was overwhelming. The invisible force was pressuring everyone present. Even the air felt different. 

“I want to see signatures on that contract in half an hour.” 

“Yes, Mr. Arnold,” said Leyton-Ethan’s new assistant. 

The very moment he had stepped out of the house, Ethan had decided to take back what was rightfully his. 

‘It’s the only way I can protect her.’ 

No one dared to speak at that time. The women did not know why Ethan would want to meet them, especially since they were not in charge of their husbands’ companies. 

“Mr. Arnold, I have no say in the company’s business, but… May I know why you’re terminating the contract?” One of the women asked in a weak voice. 

“That’s not a question you should be asking,” Ethan said coldly while he left the room. His wheelchair was wired with newly developed technology that could move on its own with the click of a button. 

Ethan was supposed to be in the hospital getting surgery, but when he found out that Madelyn was being bullied, he rushed to the school without much thought. 

Outside the office, Ethan heard a girl crying. He silently looked at the person who had tears. streaming down her cheeks. The conference room door was open, and he wheeled himself in without Madelyn noticing. 

“Why are you crying?” he asked, his tone extraordinarily soft. 

Madelyn sniffled as her sobs came to an abrupt halt. Teardrops were hanging from her long eyelashes, and her eyes were wet. She was kneeling on the ground as she stared blankly at the person who just came into the room. 

“W-What are you doing here?” Madelyn wiped her tears on her sleeves and asked. 

Her nose was red, and her voice sounded hoarse. She was the only one left in the room. All the teachers had left, and Kevin had gone out to answer a call. 

“I was just passing through,” Ethan narrowed his eyes and said. He saw the bruise on Madelyn’s face and frowned. “Does it hurt?” 

Madelyn pursed her lips and nodded as tears fell from her lashes. “It does.” 

“Are you okay?” Ethan asked with a hint of pain in his voice. 

Madelyn was actually feeling better, but when Ethan asked her the question, she could not help but feel aggrieved. 

‘Why is my life so difficult?’ she thought, and droplets of tears began to fall once more. 


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