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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn) novel Chapter 88

Chapter 88 

“Sorry. Please eat. I still have work to do, so excuse me.” 

Madelyn was used to being alone and did not believe in so-called friends. 

This time when she left, the group of hooligans did not try to stop her anymore. 

Madelyn left the room and Mr. Massey walked out wearing an apron as he held a dish in hand.” Lassie, you’re done eating already? Did they bully you?” 


“They may act like that, but those kids aren’t so bad really. They just want to play with you.” 

“I know, Mr. Massey. I still have something to do, so I’ll take my leave first.” 

“Okay. Remember to come and eat tomorrow, on the house. Just eat as much as you want.” 

Madelyn smiled and nodded. “Alright.” 

After she left, Madelyn went and bought some personal clothes and a few spare clothes and a few pairs of shoes as well. She got all of those items at cheap prices. 

She was planning to stay here long-term. 

In a blink of an eye, Madelyn had already lived here for almost three months. These days, she was working at Mr. Massey’s restaurant as a waitress. The salary was fifty a day, which was not bad, and meals were provided as well. 

There was little business during the day, and it would be a little busier during supper hours. 

It was very tiring at first as her legs protested in soreness. But as time went on, she got 

used to 

She had never done such a thing before, but it was just cleaning up the tables, so it was not particularly difficult. 

Those days were a rare taste of freedom and peace for her. 

There was no supervision, no comfort, no soft bed, no beautiful clothes… 

Madelyn had gradually gotten used to the life of an ordinary person. 

Her once fair and tender hands began to develop calluses, and since her hands would be soaked in water for long periods of time while washing dishes, her skin had also begun to peel 

and looked rather hideous. 

Rosario did not know that she was working in this restaurant. 

That was also because Rosario had not come back for many days now. Madelyn assumed she 

must have been busy taking care of Jadie. 

That was fine too, Rosario would never have allowed her to do this, so she had to try to save up more money to plan for the future. 

One night, at half past eight in the evening, a batch of diners had already left, and Madelyn cleaned up the table and carried a tub of bowls to be washed as she walked to the door. 


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