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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn) novel Chapter 90

Chapter 90 

That man tore Madelyn’s clothes off her chest and her buttons came apart, revealing a white bra inside. 

Everyone’s eyes lit up in that instant. 

Madelyn covered herself up and bit the back of the hand hard. 

The person immediately recoiled in pain and let her free. 

Madelyn quickly turned around and fled outside. Under the dim road light, she saw, much to her shock, Forrest, who was clad in a black T-shirt, with silver chains on his neck and his hands in his jacket pocket as he walked over with a cigarette in hand. 

Jadie and Alex were walking with him. 

She did not know why Jadie would be here, but she could not let Jadie see her or know that she was here. 

Forrest was speaking to Jadie with his head down and should not have seen her. So, Madelyn quickly turned around and fled toward her home. 

“Bloody hell, that bitch sure ran away fast.” 

Madelyn did not dare stop at all as she hurried home. Leaning against the door, she felt as if her heart was about to pop out of her chest. She was soaked in sweat and perhaps due to fear, her legs felt weak, and her entire body trembled. 

She slid limp onto the ground, and it took a good while before she eventually calmed down, got up, and took a bath. 

It was midnight, and Madelyn laid in her bed as she woke up in a daze. 

She had been dreaming of the time ruffians had bullied her. 

Those memories she wanted to forget had come surging back into her mind like a vicious tide. The images that flashed across her mind were extremely vivid. 

The lights in the room were turned off and Madelyn curled up in her bed as she hugged her blanket tight and breathed heavily. 

The incident from before seemed to have reared its head again…. 

She then turned on her phone which Rosario had smuggled in for her from home. 

This was the first time she had turned it on. 

Messages after messages soon popped up, all of them from Ethan. 

From the past thirteen days, there were at least a hundred messages from him. 


Most of them were him asking her what she was doing, where she was, and why she was not replying. 

He also shared with her what he was doing on the daily. 

Until the last message. [Madelyn, where are you? I’m worried about you…] 

[I’m worried…] 

Tears suddenly fell from her eyes. She never thought anyone would be worried about her. 

To Madelyn, Ethan was just a familiar stranger. Yet, he was worried about her. That made her feel a trace of warmth she had never felt before. 

Madelyn then responded, [I’m tired. Good night.] 

Just as she was about to turn off her phone, a string of familiar numbers suddenly popped out. It was a call from Zach. 


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