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The Russian Mobster: Russian Mafia Romance novel Chapter 34

SINS POV!!!!!!

She was beautiful, and kind, and complete bad ass...and she was mine.

Just waking up this morning, with her petite body wrapped around mine, was enough to make me break out in a grin.

I had taken an entire week off work, and I was planning on surprising her with a trip to Puerto Rico.

In preparation for the trip, I needed safety precautions, so I got Slayer to get her a gun, and some other things like that.

It's curious how just a few months ago, we were trying to murder each other, and now I was falling head over heels with the little one. It didn't matter that I was 7 years older than her, and it didn't matter that we we're complete opposites, the only thing that mattered, was me with her.

"Sinister?" I heard her call out.

I walked into the room where she was standing, she wore her hair up and messy and she was in a massive sweatshirt.

"Yeah?" I asked, Slayer stood by her side,

Looking a little uncomfortable, which was weird. Even for him.

"Well um..." She started, looking over to Slayer for help.

I frowned between them, what the fuck is going on?

"I...." She took a deep breath "I want to swear to omertà."

I froze.

It took me awhile to process, but I broke out into a grin.

Just knowing that someone who has been against "people like me" her entire life, was willing to swear into something she despised....for me....it was amazing.

With one move I grabbed her and kissed her, tugging her small body to me, groaning as I felt her soft lips move in sync with mine.

Her hands ruffled my hair, her lips pressing roughly against mine, it made me hard as fück.

I broke away, and smiled as she blushed a deep crimson.

Her Grey colored eyes bleeding against mine as she gave me a bleach white smile.

"Are you sure?" I breathed.

She gave me an affirmative nod.

"Okay." I said as I kissed her little forehead.

This made everything so much better, and not to mention easier.

Everyone had been asking about her, the girl that caught the eye of the Italians.

I couldn't say anything--nor could I have her meet anyone else from the mafia until she swore in, because I would be putting the security of the entire Russian Mafia at risk.

I was already thinking of bringing it up to her while we were on vacation.

"Okay, okay." I smiled at her. "We will do it tonight, be ready by 5:00"

She nods, her bright grey eyes glimmer.

I lean down and press my lips to the sweet part in her neck.

She moans into my ear, and I grin as I pull back and peck her lips softly.



Chapter 34 1


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