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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love novel Chapter 1166

Chapter 1166 

She slumped down all blue, looking at her belly 

If it wasn’t for Wayne, she’d never choose to be knocked up. 


Olivia slapped her belly angrily. 

A nurse walked in, rushed over to stop her. 

“Has anyone come to visit me?” Olivia anxiously grasped the nurse’s arm, her eyes filling with tears. 

The nurse gently shook her head. “Ms. Whaley, right now, your well-being and the well-being of your baby are what’s most important” 

“He doesn’t even want his own child! What’s the point of me taking care of myself?” Olivia’s emotions threatened to overwhelm her, tears welling up in her eyes. Anyone who laid eyes on her would feel a sense of pity for her. 

After leaving Olivia’s room, the nurse returned to the nurse station where her colleagues were gathered. 

“Is she still causing a scene?” one of her colleagues asked. 

“Yeah, the nurse nodded wearily. “I swear, she’s on the verge of losing it. One moment she’s all sweet and polite, and the next she’s ready to explode…” 

“Wayne is truly something else. She’s carrying his baby and she saved his life. What harm would it do for him to pay her a visit?” another nurse chimed in, voicing her opinion. 

“What’s wrong with your moral compass? We don’t even know whose kid she’s carrying, and she’s blaming it on Wayne. If it were me, I wouldn’t just avoid her, I’d have someone break her legs!” 

Just as the nurse station was about to erupt into an argument. 

Someone exclaimed. 

“Holy crap, look! There’s a rumor going around that Olivia isn’t Wayne’s lifesaver!” 

Everyone stopped arguing and whipped out their phones. 

The one who spilled the beans was a minor celebrity who had been gaining traction in recent years. 

She first posted her elementary and middle school graduation photos with Olivia, proving that they grew up as friends. 

“I’ve wanted to talk about this for a while, but she had dirt on me. I didn’t want to stir up trouble, and I thought it was nice that my friend found a rich boyfriend. So I kept quiet. But then she married and moved abroad, cutting off all contact with us. I forgot all about it until I saw people slandering Wayne on the internet, calling him ungrateful. After thinking for a few days, I decided to come clean.” 

In the video, the minor celebrity looked stunning with her perfect makeup. 


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