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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love novel Chapter 1168

Chapter 1168 

And so, more evidence was uploaded. 

“I bet some of you are wondering how I knew where Secretary Tesdal used to live. Well, our team dug up her old student ID from her school days, complete with her picture and the school’s stamp. If you still don’t buy it, there’s not much I can do!” 

Then, the analysis began. 

“As we all know, Secretary Tesdal has a long abandoned Twitter account. Let’s take a look at what was happening right before Wayne took his unexpected swim…” As he spoke, several images popped up in the video. 

Young Rosalynn, lively and chatty, passionate about the world, every flower and blade of grass worth a tweet. 

“Notice the scenery in these tweets. We’ve found matching spots in the park, which means Secretary Tesdal really did love this park as a kid.” 

In one evening tweet, she posted three photos: a distant shot of a grassy field, a large banyan tree, a lake, and the sunset; a close-up of a burger in her hand; and a half-shot of her face under the setting sun. 

No captions. 

“As far as I know, the lake where Wayne fell in is the same lake in these photos. Let’s scroll down to Secretary Tesdal’s last tweet of the day.” 

It was a picture of freshly washed white sneakers. 

“It’s pretty obvious that she did something noteworthy that day, something she didn’t want her parents to discover. Let’s break it down: Secretary Tesdal had been living with her grandmother since her mother and grandfather passed away. Would diving into a lake at night to save someone be considered risky? Something her grandma wouldn’t approve of?” 

“That’s the extent of our analysis regarding the possibility of Secretary Tesdal being Wayne’s rescuer.” 

“Remember, this is all just for fun. Don’t take it too seriously!” 

After the blogger’s video was uploaded, the internet was buzzing with questions. 

“This is just too much of a coincidence, don’t you think?” 

“They lived in such close proximity, she was at the park that evening, and she performed a good deed… But what really seals it is that Wayne was searching for his savior based on her appearance, and Olivia and Secretary Tesdal do have a resemblance!” 

“This blew my mind!” 

“I’m so anxious right now. Is it true or not? Secretary Tesdal knows if she saved someone or not, can she just come out and clear things up? Otherwise, I’m not getting any sleep tonight!” 

“If Secretary Tesdal is the one who saved him, things are about to get interesting. Olivia pretends to be the lifesaver, dumps Wayne, Wayne rebounds with a lookalike, finds the right person, and then falls head over heels in love? Fate works in mysterious ways, I guess!” 

“Oh my God, I used to really like Olivia. How could she be like this? The stuff that came out earlier this year was already bad enough, she even stole someone else’s place! I feel for Secretary Tesdal!” 

“Let’s not jump to conclusions. Let’s wait for Secretary Tesdal’s response!” 

While netizens were waiting for Rosalynn’s response, the park management had already responded. 

They posted a picture of their lost and found department on their official account. 

They tagged Wayne and Rosalynn, implying that they had left something behind and should come pick it up. 


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