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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love novel Chapter 1231

Chapter 1231 

At first, George thought it was Wayne and Rosalynn who were messing things up behind his back 

But then a friend of his who worked in a top law firm let him in on the secret the reason why he was being rejected by several big law firms was actually quite simple “They think you’re bullying kids, so they’re dead set against representing you!” 

George was gobsmacked. Him, bullying kids?. 

Take a look at the current situation, who’s bullying who here! 

Two days later, George finally snapped out of it. He regretted his tweet that day and a series of things that followed, but it was too late now 

Worse still before he could find a lawyer, he first received a legal notice from Wayne’s lawyer. 

Wayne’s lawyer skipped the lawyer’s letter step and directly filed a lawsuit. 

The lawsuit was based on George’s sarcastic comments online and liking posts about his feud with Wayne 

These actions constituted defamation and slander 

Of course, in Wayne’s usual style, this matter would not end so easily 

But his wife had already said she wanted to listen to the kids. 

Since his daughter’s art exhibition was about to begin, he didn’t have much time to care about these boring people’s life or death, he decided to leave the matter entirely to his legal team. 

The venue for ly’s art exhibition was decided several months ago. 

The exhibition started promoting two months ago. 

Although hy didn’t have much standing in the art circle, quite a few people still really liked her paintings 

So there were quite a few people booking to see the exhibition, and quite a few people asked whether there were paintings available for purchase at this exhibition. The day before the exhibition started. Wayne and Rosalynn went to do the final check together. 

The whole exhibition venue was decorated in Ivy’s painting style. 

From a distance, the exhibition venue was colorful, and people felt as if they had come to a different dimension. 

“Ma: Jared!” Calvin saw Rosalynn and Wayne and immediately ran over, “Everything inside is arranged, the paintings to be exhibited have also been sent over, as soon as time comes [‘ll have people hang them!” 

Rosalynn smiled “Alright” 

7 have something else to do on my end, you guys have a look first.” Calvin said, then hurried off. 

Ever since Calvin lost his memory, apart from the day Ivy was kidnapped by Olivia, he seemed to be very happy every day. 

Rosalynn and Wayne went into the inner venue together. 

Although the paintings hadn’t been put up yet, the cleaning had been thoroughly completed, compared to the bustle outside, this place was more simple and pure, Bundles of lights shone on the white walls, the illuminated places were all places to hang paintings. 

“How wonderful, my daughter is really going to hold an art exhibition.” Rosalynn said. 


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