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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love novel Chapter 1383


Chapter 1383 

Louis, what makes you think you’re in a position to make demands at the negotiation table?Rosalynn eyeballed Louis, questioning him word for word, Let me say it one more time, you’ve got two choices, accept this contract, or reject it and end this collaboration.” 

You’re really gonna let personal feelings get in the way of business?Caleb asked seriously 

So, it was Ms. Annie who took advantage of the cooperation, kidnapped Ms. Tesdal, and indirectly caused President Silverman’s disappearance. Yet, when Ms. Annie did all that, you didn’t advise her to stay professional, and now you’re nitpicking Ms. Tesdal’s actions?Sean suddenly piped up, At that time, Ms. Tesdal was in danger herself, but she still generously saved Ms Annie’s ass And now, you treat the person who saved Ms. Annie like this?” 

Caleb was hit hard by Sean’s words, his face turning ugly

The entire Rosso family fell into a weird silence

Louis stared at the contract in his hands

Apart from some changes to the profit section, the Rosso family had no say in the operation and core data of the contract

The contract mentioned a joint venture between Bane Corporation and the Rosso family

Technically, they were already relying on Bane Energy Corporation, but in the previous contract, the Rosso family’s tech department could codevelop with Bane Energy Corporation

Now, Rosalynn had removed that part

The Rosso family felt the pressure

Louis also thought of Robert’s father’s words, Wayne’s wife had gone mad

If they gave up the cooperation, the Rosso family’s income would definitely decrease drastically

Moreover, without the restraint of cooperation, Rosalynn might attack the Rosso family at any time

Now she had the support of the Jared Group and Wayne’s huge inheritance

She could even use money to attack the Rosso family, perhaps even crushing the Rosso family…. 

If they continued the cooperation, it would undoubtedly be a humiliation for the Rosso family

I need some time to think.Louis said difficultly

Rosalynn glanced at the time: I have another meeting to attend, we’ll discuss this in about three hours. Don’t waste each other’s time, three hours should be enough for you to weigh the pros and cons.” 

With that, Rosalynn got up and left directly

The rest of Bane Corporation also left with her

Only the Rosso family folks were left in the meeting room, no one dared to speak first, the atmosphere was eerily silent

Finally, Caleb broke the silence: If we compromise this time, she will definitely push further, and it will become more outrageous!” 

If Rosalynn was willing to let Annie go this time, it wouldn’t hurt to give in 

But she didn’t want to let Annie go and wanted more benefits, how could that be

Caleb, do you think we have a choice now? I’ve been wanting to ask you a question, aren’t you Annie’s closest assistant? When she’s doing such crazy stuff, didn’t you notice it?” 

Yeah, you just pissed off Rosalynn. She was not like this before. You kept rudely asking her to take responsibility!” 

Furious, they all started attacking Caleb, who used to be Annie’s assistant

If you could have noticed Annie’s behavior in time and stopped her from doing this kind of selfdestructive stuff, we could have gotten 25% of the profits and sent our tech people to Bane Energy Corporation to learn their advanced technology!” 


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