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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love novel Chapter 1422

Chapter 1422 

Over at Rosalynn’s. 

Jaime was ballsy enough to not wait for the cover of night. He cooked up some lame excuse and made his way over to Rosalynn’s place. 

He was sat at the dining table, wolfing down the delicious dishes. 

“I’m gonna piece together this crab shell and snap a pic to Ivy!” He said proudly, while munching and admiring the perfect crab shell he had peeled. 

Rosalynn just shook her head and had someone serve him another one 

“If you love it, then eat as much as you want. There’s a shortage of everything on the sea, except for these crabs.” 

Jaime nodded, taking another glance at Evan, who was gracefully eating his crab pasta. 

With his slick, shiny hair and refined face, Evan didn’t look like a reliable guy at all! 

Evan caught Jaime’s gaze and gave him a friendly smile. 

Jaime just grunted and continued chowing down. 

After dinner, Jaime sneaked back to his crew, also packing a bunch of crab meat for Mike. 

“Jaime, you’re a real mater Mike exclaimed. 

Just then, they saw Rosalynn walking over with Evan. 

To everyone’s surprise, one of the volunteers actually recognized Evan 

“Evan?” The guy ran up to Evan, “Oh my God, it really is you. I’m a huge fan of your designs, could I get an autograph?!” 

This was a first for Evan 

He’s usually low-key and rarely even attends brand launch events. 

After signing, Evan kept his head down, urging Rosalynn to get going 

Rosalynn just laughed it off. 

“Who would’ve thought, Mr. Lockner has social anxiety? Rosalynn teased 

Once they were out of the crowd, Evan let out a sigh of relief: “Go ahead and laugh at me.” 

“Wayne always has good taste.” Rosalynn said calmly 

Evan paused, his smile fading somewhat 

“I thought you would never mention him in front of me.” 

“He’s my husband. Why wouldn’t I mention him? Rosalynn asked defiantly 

The last trace of a smile disappeared from Evan’s face 

He didn’t know how to respond, so he just kicked the sand and kept walking 

After a while they arrived at the Zenobia family’s inn 

The inn’s doors were tightly shut 

Do you think they tear down these unique buildings? Even asked 

Rosalynn shook her head sul not 


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