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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love novel Chapter 1425

Chapter 1425 

Most islanders had encountered Felix at some point. 

Wherever the lady CEO went, this guy would be tailing her. If anyone tried to approach her, he’d get all riled up. 

So, Felix was quite the intimidating figure. 

Whenever he appeared, those islanders pestering Viola would back off instantly, “What are you doing at our place?” 

The braver ones would immediately challenge him. 

Felix scoffed, “Your place? The whole island belongs to my boss, where’s your place?” 

“We haven’t moved out, so this is our place!” someone bravely retorted. 

“Oh come on, stop fooling yourselves, how come you guys are even more ignorant than an illiterate guy like me? What are you blabbering about? How could your ancestors give birth to such idiots!” 

“What did you just say?!” 

Felix was blunt and rude, which really pissed off the islanders. 

“Now not only are you squatting on someone else’s property, but you’re also causing trouble and picking fights? Are you trying to get someone killed and then extort our boss for money? You guys have no shame!” 

Felix continued to provoke them. 

“Felix.” Rosalynn’s voice came from behind him. 

The islanders’ gaze shifted to her. 

Seeing it was Rosalynn, some of them suddenly looked enlightened, “Viola, you said you weren’t colluding with them, but they’re here for you, aren’t they?” 

“I didn’t, I really didn’t!” Viola dared not look at Rosalynn. She was scared that Rosalynn would discover Wayne in her house, so she was extremely anxious. 

“I heard someone loudly saying earlier that my company overpaid this family?” Rosalynn said, “Do you have proof? If you do, bring it out. In addition to the relocation fee, I’ll give you an extra $500,000.” 

“$500,000?” Everyone was shocked. 

“That’s right, my company absolutely does not tolerate any behavior that involves threatening to pay more money against the rules.” Rosalynn calmly said, “If someone really did pay this family extra to move, even if it’s just an extra $1,000 or $2,000, I will punish them severely. I may even consider calling the police and accuse this family of extortion.” 

Viola’s face turned even paler, she shook her head repeatedly, “Ma’am, I really didn’t take any extra money, we just don’t want to cause any more trouble. Osborn said you’re a kind person. I don’t want to cause trouble for a kind person, so we decided 

to move 

Viola seemed very honest and gentle, her tear-filled eyes made people feel sympathetic. 

“Ma’am, to tell you the truth, we initially reluctantly agreed to move. But it was this family’s daughter who kept encouraging us not to give up our home. They said they had a way to keep this place, so we decided to fight to the end!” a woman shouted 

“That’s right! Now she’s keeping mum, making us look like the troublemakers, like the greedy bad guys!” 

Everyone was getting heated. 

“If that’s the case, why don’t you all calm down and have a good talk with Ms. Tesdal? They’ve decided to move, so you’ve lost your leader. If this continues, I’m afraid you’ll lose too much” Evan said 

The islanders looked at each other silently, their faces were extremely grim. 

Those who were willing to leave had taken the money and left half a year ago. 


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