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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love novel Chapter 1599

Chapter 1599

What’s up?” 

Erica’s getting hitched, and Jacob’s on a plane to Zurich after hearing the news. He even asked us to dig up dirt on the groom. Everyone knows, whether it’s us friends or Jacob’s parents, that no one’s a fan of Erica. We figured if she’s marrying someone else, then let her do it, it’s less trouble for Jacob, but 

he ” 

You guys are something else,” Rosalynn cut him off in exasperation. f Erica wasn’t marrying, you’d complain about her clinging to Jacob. Now she’s leaving Jacob to get married, and you’re still badmouthing her? I’m really curious, what on earth did Erica do to make you guys despise her so much?” 

The guy on the other end was clearly taken aback by Rosalynnis outburst and fell silent

“Do you guys know who she’s marrying? And you’re already throwing shade? Rosalynn continued

Rosalynn, I didn’t mean anything, I just hope Wayne can step in, get Jacobi back, he will listen to Wayne 

The guy on the other end was clearly holding back his anger

Rosalynn was no longer the naive little girl she used to be, that much was cleat to everyone 

No.At that moment, Wayne chimed in from the side

Wayne, you.” 

The guy on the other end heard Wayne’s voice and wanted to say something more 

EnoughRosalynn cut him off, get it. You guys think Erica’s marriage is a sham, a ploy to get Jacob off her back, Well, rest easy, Erica is really getting married, and your buddy Jacob will be truly free” 

The guy on the other end fell silent

Rosalynn didn’t have anything else to say and hung up

Who were they?Wayne asked

“Your buddies.Rosalynn replied

Wayne probably figured out from the conversation that his friends were being nasty to Erica. It reminded him of his past relationship with Rosalynn 

He hesitated for a moment, then asked, Did they treat you like this too?” 

Rosalynn looked at him, pretending to think only once. Then you flipped the table and took me away” 

To be honest, Rosalynn didn’t see any major problems during that time when she was with Wayne 

Because at that time, Wayne was really good to her

When the girlfriends of Wayne’s friends mocked her for being Wayne’s stand in, he would immediately lose his temper and say. Who the hell are you guys to laugh at her? Do you even have the right?” 

After that, Rosalynn never saw those girlfriends around Wayne’s friends again 

And there was even a time when he ruined a business partnership just because the other company’s boss had been hitting on Rosalynn. He smashed a wine bottle on the guy 

That’s good,Wayne sighed in relief, 7 won’t hang out with them anymore.” 

Rosalynn laughed. You havent been hanging out with them for a while.” 

Yeah.Wayne put his arm around Rosalynn, just about to kiss her, when Ivy’s voice came from the doorway 

Mommy, it’s time for our family craft project!” 

Wayne dropped his head onto Rosalynn’s shoulder with a helpless laugh


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