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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love novel Chapter 1613

Chapter 1613 

Spill it, when you just hit Jacob, did you whip out some special power or something?Erica asked, I just heard, Jacob started vomiting blood after we 


Special power?Larkin burst into laughter, then put his hand on Erica’s forehead, Honey, I might have forgotten to explain, I’m no Superman, I don’t have any special powers.” 

Larkin’s smile was absolutely charming 

In the past, Erica had zero interest in Larkin’s appearance, she was more into the brooding looks of Jacob 

But now, the tables have turned. She realized how clueless she had been before

Larkin had a natural charm that was calming

Enca could see the emotional contrast when he became interested

His occasional smiles were simply irresistible

Let’s save the chat about special powers for later, Larkin, I just want to kiss you right now=” 

Larkin was taken aback, then instinctively complied, giving Erica a peck on the lips before asking. Why the sudden need for a kiss?” 

He was still figuring this sort of stuff out and needed to ask more questions to know when it’s a good time for a smooch

Because you’re super adorable.Erica pinched Larkin’s cheek, If you don’t possess any special powers, why did Jacob vomit blood? Is he trying to stir up trouble on purpose?” 

Maybe he was just too angry.Larkin pinched Erica’s hand, “After all, he just realized how great you are, but you’re already my wife.” 

Don’t get too cockyErica slapped his hand, Take Jacob as a lesson, I liked him for over a decade, but if he screws up. I wouldn’t hesitate to leave him, even if he’s vomiting blood, I wouldn’t feel sorry if you don’t behave… 

Before Erica could finish her sentence, Larkin silenced her with a kiss, 1ll behave, I always will.” 

How could anyone resist that

You go back to your meeting Erica ordered like a wise elder 

Larkin got up laughing, resuming his work

Erica then replied to Rosalynn, Just confirmed, it wasn’t my husband’s punch 

Truth be told, in all those years of their relationship, Erica had imagined countless times where she would leave without a trace, stop loving Jacob

Then Jacob, like a protagonist in a novel, would suddenly realize how great she was and run back to her in pain

Yes, in her imagination, Jacob was the one chasing her 

In all those imaginations, she never considered not forgiving Jacob

Seeing Wayne in agony chasing after Rosalynn, Erica thought Jacob would soon be in his shoes, and he would finally realize how much he loves her 

Who would have thought, it was indeed close

The scenario she had imagined was playing out. But all she was thinking about was not causing any trouble for Larkin


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