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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love novel Chapter 1654

Chapter 1654 

Rosalynn didn’t hesitate to whip out her phone, turned up the volume to max, and hit play on a voice recording. This recording was of Kelly bribing a staff member to air a certain video clip. 

Kelly’s face instantly froze. 

I’ve explained this before, it was a surprise.. a surprise video” Kelly tried her best to keep her composure. 

Rosalynn cracked a smile, “Miss Kelly, you’re pretty dumb, huh? If it wasn’t for Erica always covering for you, you would have been toast a long time ago. Where do you think the guy you bribed and the goodies you gave him are?” 

Kelly remained stiff, “Mrs. Silverman, I’ve heard stories about you” 

Rosalynn didn’t respond, just calmly watched her. 

Kelly continued, “Your mother, Addy Tesdal, lost her life because she was the other woman, right? So, you should understand my pain and hatred”” 

“I don’t understand.” Rosalynn retorted icily, “You’re free to hurt the one who broke your family, but what did Erica do to you? As far as I know, she’s always treated you like a real sister without ever doing you wrong, hasn’t she?” 

Kelly’s face grew uglier by the second. 

“That doesn’t change the fact that Erica is the child of a mistress!” 

Rosalynn paused, her gaze fixed on Kelly, “Just how much do you hate her? To be able to hurt someone who’s genuinely nice to your 

“What are you talking about? She was the one who couldn’t keep her legs closed, that’s got nothing to do with me!” Kelly instantly denied. 

Rosalynn laughed, “Do you think I’m someone who knows nothing and just speaks randomly? That wealthy businessman from before, he’s still alive, One call from me and he could be here, wanna see him again?” 

Kelly’s face turned ghostly white. 

“I also found that photographer you hired to stalk Erica for two years.” Rosalynn dropped her eyelids, speaking at a leisurely pace, “Whenever Erica had any interaction with men, he’d purposely take ambiguous photos, always aiming for the suggestive angle. 

didn’t! Kelly denied. 

Rosalynn didn’t hesitate to whip out a stack of documents and flung them at Kelly. 

Kelly caught a piece instinctively. One glance was all it took for her pupils to dilate in shock. 

“These are your old chat logs from social media. The account is still active by the way” 

Kelly was clutching the paper tightly 

“What are you trying to do?” She glared at Rosalynn, “I never thought Mrs. Silverman would go to such lengths to protect the daughter of a mistress “Kelly, do you really think Erica doesn’t know what you’ve been up to behind her back? Rosalynn looked at Kelly, her voice cold, “She knows better than anyone!” 

Kelly clenched her fists, her body began shaking uncontrollably 


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