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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love novel Chapter 1771

Chapter 1771 

Felix got anxious and instantly went on high alert, scanning the area. He was worried that Simon’s gang might still be after Molly for revenge, terrified that Molly’s location might be discovered. 

“Dad, what are you looking at?” Molly asked, looking at Felix with confusion. 

“Weren’t you saying that some people were watching you?” Felix asked nervously. 

Molly’s intuition was always spot on. Felix had managed to dodge a few bullets thanks to Molly’s hunches. 

So once Molly said it, Felix believed it without a doubt. 

“They’re gone,” Molly continued, “Let’s go, we have a newborn to wait for.” 

Felix looked at his calm daughter. 

How to put it? 

Molly was starting to act more and more like his boss Rosalynn. 

“Go to the hospital yourself. I’ll stay here and keep watch,” Felix said, patting Molly on the head. 

Molly’s hairdo was similar to Ivy’s today, and she was wearing a pretty hair clip. 

No need to guess, the hair clip must have been from Ivy. 

Felix watched, full of emotion. 

With the same hairstyle, Ivy looked so cute, but Molly… 

Such a small kid, how could she have such a strong presence! 

“Alright, you take care, Molly said, striding off. 

At this point, Ableson sidled over and asked, “You feel it too, don’t you?” 

“What?” Felix asked, defensive. 

“The aura Molly’s giving off today… feels like she could pull out a knife at any moment and take care of any bad guys passing by,” Ableson said, making a throat-slitting gesture. 

Felix ignored Ableson and walked away. 

But when Ableson wasn’t looking, Felix let out a resigned sigh. 

He didn’t want to admit it, but… yes, that was exactly the feeling he got. 

When Paige was about to be hospitalized, Ivy and Cory insisted on going with her. 

Cory wasn’t much of a talker, but compared to Ivy, who was busy arguing, he had already packed a change of clothes and was just waiting for permission to leave. 

But considering the complex environment and large crowd at the hospital, the adults were worried that the kids might have a hard time if they went along, so they decided not to bring the kids. 

As a result, Ivy didn’t text Rosalynn or Paige all day and was so angry that she barely ate any lunch. 

In the end, Rosalynn was the one who called Ivy to soothe her when she saw that Ivy’s anger had subsided. 

Ivy was easily appeased, but she had one condition, “When Paige start feeling the pain, you have to take me there. I want to meet my little sister as soon as possible, we promised each other!” 

Rosalynn agreed immediately. 

So, when Paige was about to give birth, Rosalynn had Ableson bring the kids over. 


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