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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love novel Chapter 1819

Chapter 1819 

But she’s the kind of kid who, after falling, can pick herself right back up. If no one’s around, even if the pain is unbearable, she’d quietly go find a servant to tend to her wounds, However, when family is around, especially when Hilaria and Jaime are present, even without an actual injury, she’d pretend to be hurt and cry in their arms. 

Rosalynn had seen Jaime, many times, holding lvy and comforting her while simultaneously stomping on the spot where Ivy had fallen, as if to avenge her. 

After returning to H Country, Ivy seemed to have grown up overnight. She’d get up immediately after a fall and carry on playing, not even uttering a sound Last fall, she scraped her knee and didn’t even realize it. When they got home, Wayne saw it and reacted like a heartbroken father. 

He wished he could call an ambulance right away and rush Ivy to the hospital. 

But Ivy was chill about it. 

Seeing that Wayne didn’t dare to disinfect her wound, she grabbed the disinfectant and applied it to her wound without a second thought. 

After disinfecting the wound, she even told her father, T’m super brave!” 

“You gotta let people know when you’re feeling down, otherwise things would only get worse! I got this, don’t worry!” 

Hilaria ended the video call and dialed Ivy 

As Rosalynn passed by her door, she heard Ivy’s sweet voice and Hilaria’s voice, both very affectionate. 

With a smile on her face, she was about to return to her room. 

Suddenly, she remembered something and turned to look at the doghouse 

Max behaved well today, probably ate too much, and now seemed a little stuffed. He was lying in his doghouse, looking very content. Rosalynn came back. 

Hearing footsteps, Max opened his eyes, and Rosalynn could see him wagging his tail in his doghouse 

“You usually sleep like a log after a good meal, what’s up with you today? Rosalynn squatted down and gently scratched Max’s chin. 

Her instinct told her, this dog seemed to be worried about something. 

“Are you worried about Ivy?” Rosalynn gently asked. 

Max gave two grunts, then laid his chin in Rosalynn’s palm, looking at her with pitiful eyes. 

“How about this, I’ll let you sleep in Ivy’s room tonight, but you can’t jump on the bed or the sofa, okay? I put a soft mat for you by the door” 

Max might not have understood, but he rubbed his chin against Rosalynn’s palm. 

Tve also contacted Grandpa Ramay and Granny Ramay, they’ve been traveling the world for over a year and are planning to come home for a break. Once we’re back from Norhaven, you’ll see them.” Rosalynn continued. 

Upon hearing the names Grandpa Ramay and Granny Ramay, Max immediately perked up. 

He came out of his doghouse, wagging his tail and circling around Rosalynn. 


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