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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love novel Chapter 1904

Chapter 1904 

Larkin looked at Wayne, slightly taken aback

Wayne smiled at him, saying, I don’t want to obsess over the past anymore.” 

Larkin wasn’t the type to insist

Plus, some people had suggested before not to force Wayne into trying to recover his memories

The most natural way was the best

I get it,Larkin nodded, In that case, I have more time, I can take Erica to more places she likes.” 

Good,Wayne responded

Both of them weren’t too talkative, so they each went on with their own business, not saying anything more. At the parking lot, their families got into their respective cars, then split up to go their separate ways. Because of Max’s injury, the back seats of the car he was in were folded down, connecting with the trunk. Ivy took over the responsibility of caring for her pet dog

Molly, being inseparable from Ivy now, naturally got into thesamecar 

Felix decided to follow them

In Rosalynn’s car, it was her, Wayne, and Cory

She originally wanted to bring Liam along as well

However, by the time she looked for Liam, he had silently gone to Ableson’s car

The day Ivy was pushed into the water by Jennifer, Liam was there too

He was scared too, but didn’t follow them to the hospital, he went home instead

He was a quiet kid to begin with, but now he had become even quieter

After Rosalynn got in the car, she helped Cory check his seatbelt, casually mentioning, I forgot to chat with Liam these past few days.” 

Chat about what?Cory asked

Wasn’t he there when your sister fell into the water?Rosalynn replied calmly, You know, Liam is introverted. I’m worried if he’s keeping something inside.” 

Honey, you don’t have to worry about everyone,” Wayne chimed in

Liam saved Ivy’s life before, and he doesn’t have any family around. We should care more about him,” Rosalynn looked back at Wayne

Wayne was silent for two seconds, then said, I understand.” 

Alright, let’s set off. I hope we can make it in time for dinner with grandma.” 

The convoy slowly hit the road

Rosalynn didn’t sleep well last night, and gradually fell asleep holding Cory’s small hand

Wayne looked at her through the rearview mirror, took out his phone, and sent à message

Rosalynn was woken up by Wayne. Opening her eyes, they were already back at Moonlit Lake

She stretched, and texted Paige, Paige, we’re home safe, don’t worry.” 

Paige immediately sent back a ton of voice messages

Rosalynn listened as she got out of the car

While listening to the messages, she subconsciously counted the number of people, quickly realizing something was off

She noticed a car was missing, along with a few people

Where’s Ableson’s car?Rosalynn asked, putting away her phone

Ma’am, Ableson just called to say that Liam wanted to go home directly, so he changed course to drop him off,” a security guard quickly said

Rosalynn frowned slightly

That kid, going home without telling us. Kids are really hard to understand.” 

As she was mumbling, Liam sent her a message

Mrs. Silverman, I still have homework to do, Ivy’s summer tutoring has been overdue for three days.” 

Rosalynn thought for a moment, and sent him a reply, Okay, you’ve worked hard, Liam. See you when school starts.” 

As she sent the message, Wayne came over

His gaze swept over Rosalynn’s phone screen

Is that a message from Liam?” 

Mm, he said he went home to do his homework. I thought he had finished them. It looks like your daughter has been keeping him busy,Rosalynn said, looking around to see Ivy directing people to carry Max into the elevator

We shouldn’t have hired such a young kid to be a tutor in the first place,Wayne said helplessly, In the future, we should hire an adult to teach Ivy.” 

That’s not for us to decide, it depends on whether your daughter agrees,” Rosalynn said helplessly

Wayne lowered his eyelids, not responding to Rosalynn’s words, Let’s go inside first. Grandma is waiting for us to have dinner.” 


The two of them held hands and slowly walked towards the elevator

Compared to the brightly lit Moonlit Lake, the old street was very dim, with wires piled up as usual, occasionally making crackling sounds

Ableson took Liam’s luggage down, looking a bit embarrassed

Liam, I didn’t ask for your opinion before sending you home directly. But you covered for me in front of Mrs. Silverman, I’m really” 

Liam looked even colder than usual, he put away his phone

You don’t need to say so much, I understand.Liam took his luggage from Ableson

Ableson was taken aback

Thank you,” Liam said coldly and distantly, then dragged his suitcase and carried his backpack into the darkness

After his parents died, he rarely felt fear and anxiety

Especially during the time he clashed with his uncle and aunt, he almost forgot what fear felt like

Because his heart couldn’t feel warmth, it was numb

A year ago, he saved Ivy with a slingshot, and his life changed

It was like going on an exciting journey

He met Mrs., Silverman, who was as gentle as a mother, the naughty and resilient Ivy, and some novel friends

His numb heart gradually warmed up amid these adventures

This directly led to his lack of vigilance. He even started following Ivy and others out to play

But, he was different from them

Molly had a loving father, yet she jumped into the river to save Ivy. 

The Cain Scott brothers had a powerful family background

Anyone could be forgiven and understood in this escape

But he couldn’t

He didn’t feel at ease until just now, when he woke up and saw the familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar streets. It was like a sword hanging over his head finally dropped to the ground

His wonderful journey had come to an end, and he began to live his old life

It wasn’t that great, but it wasn’t too bad either.. 

He preferred being alone over socializing with others

He walked through the dim alley, the lights in the building were broken, and he groped his way upstairs

He opened the door to his home

This old house, if left uninhabited for a while, would smell moldy

Liam turned on the lights

He put his things away and quietly opened all the windows

He fetched water and carefully cleaned the house, adding disinfectant to the water

After he finished cleaning, the house was clean, but the unpleasant smell did not dissipate. Instead, it became stranger due to the mix of the disinfectant. Liam felt helpless

He decided not to clean anymore and took out all the things from his backpack and neatly placed them back on his desk

He glanced at the time

Although he had been busy for a while, only an hour had actually passed

The incident of Ivy falling into the water was eventually revealed to Hilaria

That night, Hilaria said nothing, watched Ivy eat her fill, and then let Laura take her to bathe and sleep

Ivy thought the incident was over, but the next morning, Hilaria blew her top

Ivy had never seen her so angry

In the past, if she did something wrong, Granny Hilaria would protect her when her mother got angry and argue with her mother

Ivy was so scared that she was even careful with her breathing

You are an important person, don’t you know that?Hilaria banged on the table

Alright, alright, she knows she was wrong, Calvin couldn’t help but stand up to protect Ivy, She won’t do this again!” 

Calvin, what if she wasn’t rescued on time?Hilaria scolded Calvin

Upon hearing this, Calvin, a man who had always been tough, immediately had red eyes

She was rescued, wasn’t she?he mumbled

That is pure luck! Everyone there at the time was a child, and a dog! This is a miracle, you know!Hilaria banged on the table and yelled, her voice choking at the end

Granny, it was my fault, I really know I was wrong. I promise with mommy that I will never do this again!Ivy heard Hilaria’s voice choking and immediately ran to her and hugged her tightly, apologizing quickly

Don’t use these tricks!Hilaria pushed her away, Go stand in the corner and reflect on yourself!” 

Ok, ok, I’ll go stand in the corner. Don’t be angry anymore” 

She coaxed Hilaria and found a wall to stand against, tears silently rolling down her cheeks

Alright, granny, your heart isn’t good, you can’t get so worked up,Rosalynn gently patted Hilaria’s back

This time is different from the pastHilaria clutched her chest, I couldn’t sleep at all last night, I just wanted to go upstairs and wake up this child and teach her a good lesson!” 

I think that’s a good idea, why don’t I call her over and you can give her a good scolding!Rosalynn said with a determined face

Hilaria glared at her, saying, You’re just adding fuel to the fire!” 

Ok, ok, Paige told me Trista just woke up and is full of energy now, do you want to video chat with them?Rosalynn began to distract Hilaria’s attention. The video chat began

Trista’s increasingly round face almost filled the phone screen

Her laughter had a healing power

Hilaria’s mood visibly improved

In her free time, Rosalynn looked at Ivy standing in the corner

Strictly speaking, this was the first time Hilaria had been so angry with Ivy

This lesson would be remembered forever

The video chat ended

Hilaria visibly relaxed a lot and glanced at Ivy, Where’s Wayne?” 

She had Ivy stand in the corner as punishment, but it had only been a short while. She couldn’t directly tell Ivy that the punishment was over, or else the punishment would be too light

At this time, someone needed to plead for Ivy.” 

Her granddaughter wouldn’t plea for Ivy because knowing her personality, it’s good enough she didn’t punish Ivy more herself

Hilaria was hoping that Wayne could plead for Ivy

He went to work,Rosalynn replied

Work? You didn’t go with him?Hilaria asked in surprise

He’s going to meet Sean Hudy. Sean has been helping Wayne deal with some matters of Bane Corporation recently,Rosalynn replied, I also have my own things to do, how could I possibly accompany him all the time? Let him deal with it by himself! I can enjoy a few days of leisure!” 

Hilaria looked at her and gently touched her forehead, You should have thought this way a long time ago, you must have been exhausted in the past six months.” 

After saying this, Hilaria seemed to remember something, By the way, will Ms. Lawrence and Larkin come to H City again?” 

They probably will, why?” 

Hilaria hadn’t been here for long and spent most of her time with Paige, so she didn’t have much contact with Erica Shields

She suddenly mentioned these two people, and Rosalynn guessed that something might have happened

It’s not about them, there’s a problem with the Strand family, have you heard?Hilaria sighed, What on earth is Jacob Strand thinking? He has already lost his wife, he should focus on his business, but he suddenly let things go, and now the situation of the Strand Group is very bad.” 

Is it really that serious?Rosalynn didn’t know much about the situation of the Strand Group

The Strand Group was not in the same city as them, so she didn’t know much about the situation of the Strand Group

Hilaria quickly showed Rosalynn a chat record

The record mainly talked about the current situation of the Strand Group

Actually, it’s no big deal. Jacob’s parents still hold so many shares. Even if they are eventually driven out, this money is enough for them to squander for a lifetime.” 

Honey, that’s not how you crunch the numbers,Hilaria said seriously. You gotta know, the Strand Group pissed off a lot of people in their heyday. You’ve met Jacob’s mom. Money ain’t a shield, especially in a place where power players are dime a dozen. Power’s the real deal.

So, you’re saying we need to protect them?. Rosalynn asked

Hilaria dropped her gaze, mulling over her words for a while. Even though our connections have faded over the generations, Kendal Strand helped me 

out when I was in a tough spot. He’s gone now, and his descendants have landed the Strand Group in hot water. If I just stand by and do nothing, I wouldn’t be able to face Kendal even in death.” 

Kendal was Jacob’s greatgrandfather

Back in the day, a young Hilaria had pissed off a big shot

Even though Kendal was up in years, he stepped up to the plate and helped her dodge a bullet

Got it, Grandma. Whatever you wanna do, Wayne and I are with you,Rosalynn said without hesitation

Hilaria nodded, then she wanted to say something more, but stopped herself

Grandma, do you really need to think twice before talking to me?Rosalynn asked with a smile


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