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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love novel Chapter 1923

"You heartless witch! Karma will find you!" The motel owner’s wife stood by the entrance, spitting at Jeannie furiously.
Normally, Jeannie would have stood up and fired back.
But now, all the doors to the motel were wide open.
Everyone inside was staring at her, their eyes were filled with anger.
Jeannie even worried, if she didn't leave right away, they might attack her.
"You'll see what's coming to you!"
Jeannie grabbed her bag, throwing down a threat before she took off.
This was a tourist hotspot, even at this late hour, the streets were still bustling with people.
Jeannie walked with her head down, scared that someone might recognize her.
As she snuck around, she overheard people discussing her and her daughter.
They were cursing at her.
Once she found a quiet corner, Jeannie shakily took out her phone.
She didn't use Twitter or search engines, but she loved short video clips.
As soon as she opened a video app, she saw that she had over 99 new messages.
Jeannie had once dreamed that her videos would be watched by many.
But right now, those many messages filled her with fear.
She opened them trembling, her eyes stung by the harsh words.
Jeannie's account used to feature clips of a strong mother taking care of her mentally ill daughter alone.
Including many videos where her daughter would hit and curse at her during her episodes.
Each time she posted videos like these, there would be many likes and comments.
But now, all those sympathetic and encouraging comments under her videos had disappeared.
"If she's properly medicated and undergoing treatment, why are there so many episodes?"
"I just watched all her videos, her first video of her daughter hitting her during an episode went viral a year ago. Since then, there have been more and more of these videos. I suspect she may be purposely triggering her daughter's episodes for more content."
"Oh my god, if she just let her daughter take her meds and keep her emotions checked, it might not have escalated to this!"
"Does anyone know the law? Is this considered abuse?"
"I hate this crazy woman, but I also pity her for having such a mother!"
Jeannie was both panicked and furious.
Even as everyone was cursing her, Jeannie didn't think she had done anything wrong.
She even thought that these people were all misunderstanding and framing her.
Jeannie decided to start a livestream.
Already, many people were cursing her on her account.
The moment she started the stream, thousands of viewers flooded in.
"Wow, this wicked woman dares to livestream? I just saw the news, you were kicked out of the motel, weren't you? Serves you right!"
"Pay for the child's life! Pay for the child's life!"
"That girl was about to be adopted by a rich family and live a carefree life, but you ruined everything!"
"Your daughter's illness, it's caused by your abuse, right?"
Jeannie's face was burning red.
"Why should I pay for her life? I didn't kill anyone! You people don't know anything and you're just here cursing me? It was that little nun who was rude first, looking down on us rural people. And then deliberately bumped into my daughter in the cafeteria, that's what triggered my daughter's rage!"


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