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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love novel Chapter 1927

Chapter 1927 

Penn paused slightly

In his mind, the fact that Rosalynn was willing to expend resources and energy to find him for Madeleine meant that Madeleine was extremely important 

to her

Got it.Penn didn’t ask why. Remember our last phone call? You promised to treat me to a meal when you got back to H City.” 

Rosalynn, Sure thing, Dr. Lange. Just let me know when you’re free and I’ll set it up.” 


Before Penn could finish his sentence, he heard the sound of a door opening

I’ve gotta deal with something right now. We’ll catch up later.Penn continued


And with that, the call ended

Penn pocketed his phone and turned to face Faustina, who had just entered

So, Dr. Lange, how did it go?” 

Originally, Madeleine’s treatment had been going well and Faustina had been quite happy about it.. 

But that very night, Faustina seemed to have aged twenty years, her hair had turned mostly white

She’d never imagined that a slip of the tongue on her part would cause such a massive tragic

When that kind hearted person she could always reach had called her the day before, she had no idea about the horrifying events unfolding on the other end

Only when her child at home saw news about Jeannie online and told her about it, did she realize what had happened

She immediately tried to call that kindhearted person to apologize and explain, but she couldn’t get through

Now that Madeleine’s treatment was showing results, Faustina was terribly worried that her daughter’s treatment would be halted because of this incident

She spent the whole night unable to sleep, slapping herself countless times

After much thought, she had no choice but to seek Penn’s help

What happened between you guys?Penn asked

He wasn’t particularly interested in online gossip, so he had no idea what was currently a hot topic on the internet

It really had nothing to do with us! I never thought Jeannie would have such ideas!Faustina burst into tears. When I told her about it, she said I was being duped. Who’d have thought she’d turn right around and take her daughter to that monastery!!” 

From Faustina’s intermittent sobbing, Penn managed to piece together the whole story

So, because you didn’t keep your promise and told others about your daughter getting the treatment, it led to a child who was about to be adopted being killed on the spot by a crazy person. And the person who was about to adopt this unfortunate child is one of the kindhearted people helping your daughter?” 

That’s exactly it!” 

I see.Penn nodded, his tone remained steady throughout, even after hearing such shocking news, he didn’t react emotionally. She asked me to tell you that she won’t take out her anger at your stupidity on Madeleine. The treatment will continue.” 


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