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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love novel Chapter 1930

Chapter 1930 

When Jeannie accidentally fell into the water, she was obviously freaked out, looking as though she couldn’t swim at all

She struggled for a bit but just kept getting further and further away from the shore

After crying out for a while, she went under

As Rosalynn was watching the video, Paige was on the other end of the phone saying, Karma sure hit fast this time.” 

Just then, the local police department responsible for Jeannie’s drowning case released a notice about the incident

It wasn’t until Rosalynn finished reading the notice that she found out that when Jeannie was pulled out of the water, she was clutching something that looked exactly like a banknote in her right hand

According to the surveillance footage, it seemed that Jeannie might have mistaken the floating object for a big bill in the water and slipped off the stone slab into the water while trying to fetch it, which led to her drowning

After the notice was released, people online were shocked

What a coincidence! She just killed a little nun, and exactly seven days after the kid’s death, she drowns because she tried to pick up a banknote in a river” 

That river is right near my house. There are people getting drown there every year, especially in the summer. Our folks have been telling us since we were kids not to play by the river, it’s dangerous!” 

No matter what, karma sure hit fast!” 

Can you guys stop saying scary things? I’m too scared to even turn off the lights to sleep!” 

Of course, there were some netizens defending Jeannie

People online are so biased. I don’t think she did anything wrong. A mother, just trying to get her child treated, took her child to seek help. Who would have thought she would have an episode and hurt that child? (She said in her live broadcast yesterday that the child was impolite, provoked the patient, and led to the tragedy.) All in all, I think this mother is also a pitiful person. Even if you don’t sympathize with her, there’s no need to gloat!” 

Exactly, a life was lost after all, youngsters these days are too coldhearted!” 

In response to these views, the youngsters hit back, Easy for you to say when it’s not your kid who died!” 

What happened to freedom of speech? We can’t even say serves her rightwithout being judged!” 

Some even criticized in the comment section, How could you interpret it that way? How did you see the child provoking that mad girl? Do you just believe the perpetrator’s words?” 

The other party replied, Why did she only kill her among so many people?” 

There were indeed people who agreed with such statements

I’ve wanted to say this for a long time, finally someone spoke up. It was lunch time when the incident happened, there were many people in the restaurant, if the girl was really beyond saving, why did she only kill her? So I support the little girl’s mother, I believe what she said!” 

Although the death of the little girl is sad, truth be told, mischievous kids these days really are annoying.” 

I think if Erica truly had love in her heart, she wouldn’t have made a fuss about this, she should have treated the girl’s illness, such selfless acts would have won her praise! Everyone in the country would have applauded her!” 

Some people on the internet were getting out of line with their comments

Suddenly, someone posted a surveillance video online

It was the surveillance footage of the restaurant, minutes before the incident


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