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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love novel Chapter 1948

Chapter 1948 

If you had any sense of responsibility for us, you should have informed everyone in the shareholder group as soon as you found out. But no, you kept it to yourself, waiting to pull out your big reveal at the shareholder meeting when President Silverman returned, trying to play the hero and accuse him of wrongdoings!” That man laughed sarcastically. “You’re not thinking about us, all you want is to publicly embarrass President Silverman, to make sure he can’t return to Bane Corporation anytime soon, right?” 

“You’re judging a knight’s heart with the mind of a scoundrel Jasper angrily stood up, pointing at the laughing man. 

“Indeed!” His partner also stood up. 

A heated argument was about to erupt 

The man who started it all spread his hands, “Whatever your real intentions are you all know better than anyone… I’m sure President Silverman and Mrs. Tesdal are also well aware. Given what I know of them… if you’re plotting against President Silverman behind his back, they will not let you off easily.c The trio went from pale to flushed in an instant. 

“Anyway, I’ve done nothing wrong, I don’t need to argue about these things with you!” 

With that, Jasper pushed past a person blocking his way and walked straight out 

The remaining two followed suit after a moment’s hesitation. 

Behind them, the murmurs of discussion carried on 

Feeling as if they had arrows in their backs, the trio quickened their pace, heads down. 

“How did it come to this!” 

Once they reached a secluded area, the second man to speak up couldn’t hold back his frustration any longer. 

He crouched down, burying his face in his hands, sobbing 

1 didn’t even profit from this, why did I have to get involved in such a mess!” 

“What are you crying for, pull yourself together!” Jasper snapped, annoyed. He bowed his head, rapidly typing a message on his phone screen. 

As soon as he sent the message, a notification popped up. 

“Damn! I’ve been deleted” Jasper cursed out loud. 

About a month and a half ago, he received an anonymous email in the middle of the night. 

The email contained records of his tax evasion over the past decade, as well as evidence of him and the other two men using Bane Corporations resources to make some extra cash on the side. 

Jasper had witnessed how Rosalynn dealt with Ackland Mason and his group when she first joined Bane Corporation. It frightened him so much that he couldn’t sleep for several days, fearing that Rosalynn would turn her attention to him next 

After a while, when he didn’t hear anything more about Rosalynn targeting shareholders, he finally relaxed a little. 

When he found out Wayne was still alive, his last bit of worry evaporated 

But then, he received the suffocating email, which the evidence was irrefutable. 

He didn’t stand a chance at denying or arguing against it. 

So, he dialed the phone number left in the email. 

The person on the other end got straight to the point. 

1 work for Ms. Tesdal. As you know, she’s poured a lot of effort into the company over the past several months. Now that President Silverman wants to return to Bane Corporation and have Ms. Tesdal go back to being a housewife, she, who’s finally reached the peak of power, certainly won’t be willing So. she needs your help to prevent Wayne from returning to the Silverman Group” 


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