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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love novel Chapter 2038

Chapter 2038 

Reflecting back on that day, Rosalynn blamed herself for her negligence. 

She knew something was off with Wayne, but before going to see Penn, she forgot to tell Felix to keep an eye on Wayne and to prevent him from leaving the house. 

The park was old, with some of the street lamps shining brightly while others were dimmed. 

Rosalynn found herself running through areas of light and darkness. 

The grand oak tree still stood silently by the artificial lake. 

The elderly security guard, flashlight in hand, was frantically pointing at the lake, yelling, “He’s gone under! He’s drowning!” 

Perhaps it was a coincidence, or maybe it was fate. This was the same spot where Wayne had previously fallen into the water. Without hesitation, Rosalynn, just like before, leaped into the dark water.e2 

“Rosa!!” Before she hit the water, she vaguely heard Jamie’s alarmed cry. 

But she had no time to think. All she was worried about was that Wayne could die here. 

Using the light from the flashlight, Rosalynn quickly spotted Wayne slowly sinking towards the bottom of the lake. 

She felt a metallic taste in her throat and, dismissing her fear, swam towards him as fast as she could. 

The years she had spent with Wayne, their first encounters, and the countless times they had been through ups and downs, flashed before her eyes like a rapid carousel. Finally, Rosalynn reached Wayne, grabbed his hand, and started to pull him towards the surface. 

At that moment, she heard several splashes. 

After childbirth and a serious illness, Rosalynn’s health had taken a toll. As she was nearing the surface, she began to feel weak. 

Hearing the splashes, she knew that it must have been Felix and Jamie who had jumped in. 

Just as she was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Wayne, with his eyes tightly shut, suddenly tightened his grip on Rosalynn’s arm. 

Their ascent to the surface was abruptly halted as they sank back into the depths. 

Rosalynn instinctively struggled. In response, the arm around her neck tightened its hold. 

She turned and looked back. The face, with its familiar features, was completely unrecognizable. 

His face was twisted in rage, his eyes full of malice and resentment. 

This was not Wayne! 

Jamie, Felix and Mike dove into the water, and this was the scene that greeted them. 

Jamie and Mike were so shocked that they forgot they were underwater. 


“Ms. Gabriella!!!” 


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