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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love novel Chapter 2050

Chapter 2050 

Sus it was that when eighteen year old Penn discovered that Natalie, his emotional pillar, was the one behind it all, he was both shocked and overwhelmed 

Do his eighteenth birthday, which also coincided with the day he received a prestigious award, Penn was overjoyed. He eagerly anticipated his annual birthday gift and letter, and couldn’t wait to share his big achievement with the sender 

However, by sheer coincidence, he saw Natalie backstage after receiving his award. 

Natalie looked nothing like she did on television Clad in a simple dress, her hair white with age, she stood alongside his mentor. 

Penn immediately hide2 

As they conversed and passed by him, Penn overheard his mentor ask Natalie, “You still don’t want to see Penn? After all these years and all the help you’ve given him, he’s been looking forward to meeting you” 

“Perhaps it’s better not to meet now. There’s plenty of time ahead” 

Penn couldn’t quite recall what he was thinking at that moment. All he remembered was storming out. Anger, confusion, shame. A torrent of emotions came crashing down. Natalie’s bodyguard pinned him down on the icy floor as he approached her. 

“Natalie, you murderer! I don’t need your charity!” Penn struggled and screamed, “Why did you kill my parents!” 

Chaos ensued, and the award ceremony was cancelled. 

That evening. Penn had his first formal encounter with Natalie in a luxurious apartment. 

First of all, I need to clarify for myself that your parents’ death had nothing to do with me, despite our differences. Your father was like a son to me, someone I’d watched grow up and nurtured What mother would kill her child over a disagreement?” 

Naturally, Penn didn’t believe her. 

“Here is everything related to your father” Seeing Penn’s skepticism, Natalie didn’t bother to explain further. She pushed a small suitcase towards Penn. “In theory, these items should have been given to you long ago. But considering your age, I selfishly decided to wait until you’ve matured before returning them to you.” 

“if my father’s death wasn’t your doing, why do you have his things?” Penn banged the table in anger. 

Natalie simply replied, “Child, once you’ve gone through these things, I believe you’ll find the answers you’re looking for. Whether you still want to see me afterwards the 

to you” 


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