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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love novel Chapter 2125

Just after finishing her breakfast, Rose arrived.

"Good morning, Ms. Tesdal," Rose greeted, looking considerably more normal than she had the day before.

"Mhm," Rosalynn mumbled, her attention still fixed on her iPad, not bothering to look up. "You've got a bit of time; help yourself to some breakfast if you like."

Rose nodded and made her way to the distant couch. She reached into her bag and began nibbling on the snacks she had brought with her.

Felix, standing beside Rosalynn, couldn't help but jest, "Does she think we poisoned the airport food to off her or something?"

"Just leave her be," Rosalynn yawned, hastily chasing it with a gulp of strong Americano to wake up her senses.d2

Ten in the morning, inside the Strand Group boardroom.

"Jose, weren't you on vacation just a couple of days ago? What brings you back so soon?"

"Call of duty, my friend," Jose replied with a smirk. "When the boss summons, you don't just stand around. Besides, I'm curious to see if our dear Jacob, whose involvement with the family business is less than his exploits at Bane Corporation, can really make waves here."

"This drama has been dragging on for far too long," a man of Graham's age, with a portly figure, said from the seat to the right of the president's chair. "Some folks are on the fence because they fear Jacob. Today... well, today should settle everything."

The moment he spoke, the room that was buzzing with chatter instantly quieted down.

The man was named Sanderson, and for decades, there was a persistent rumor about him.

It was said that Sanderson was Graham's half-brother, and they shared the same father but different mothers. While Graham was the legitimate son of Mrs. Strand, Sanderson was born out of wedlock.

Since Sanderson's arrival at the Strand Group, his ascent was nothing short of meteoric.

Somehow, he also mysteriously acquired a significant share of the Strand Group's stocks.


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